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Difference Between Git and GitHub

Both of these provide an SCM (Source Code Management), thus making it easier for a developer to merge and share a code. That’s pretty much the only similarity both of them have, and their overall functionalities vary a lot. There is a fundamental difference between Git and GitHub. You can consider Git to be like a single computer while GitHub to be like a network of many computers interconnected to each other- all with the same goal but different roles and paths for achieving these goals.

Git is basically an open-source software DVCS (distribution Version Control System) that is totally free for its users. It is capable of managing all the history of its source code. It means that Git can keep a record of the history of commits, allow sharing of codes by the directors, and reverse the overall changes. Thus, every developer must install Git on their devices for collaboration. Git acts as one of the best DevOps tools in the developer space, is widely used, and is pretty easy to understand. Some of the very popular companies also use it, such as Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon.

On the other hand, GitHub is basically a hosting service for the Git repositories that is web-based. GitHub not only provides all of the DVCS SCM of Git but also comes with various additional features. It includes functionalities of collaboration, such as bug tracking, management of support tickets, project management, and many more. Developers can make use of GitHub to share their repositories, access the repositories of the other developers, and store copies (remotely) of various repositories in the form of backups.

What is Git?

It is a distributed type of version control system that tracks the changes occurring in the source code during the process of software development. The main purpose of Git is to coordinate the work among the programmers involved in the development, but it can also help a lot in tracking the changes in a given set of files. The goals of a Git include data integrity, speed, and providing support for non-linear, distributed workflows.

What is GitHub?

It is a hosting service for the Git repository that is web-based. It offers all the functionalities of source code management as well and distributed revision control that comes with Git. Along with this, GitHub comes with a lot of its own additional features.

Difference Between Git and GitHub

Here is a list of the differences between Git and GitHub.

Parameters Git GitHub
Basics Git is a type of software. GitHub is a type of service.
Meaning and Definition It is a distributed type of version control system that tracks the changes occurring in the source code during the process of software development. It is a hosting service for the Git repository that is web-based.
Type of Service Provided It is basically a command-line tool. It is basically a Graphical UI (User Interface).
Maintenance Linux maintains Git. Microsoft maintains GitHub.
Installation One needs to install Git on their system/ device locally. The web hosts GitHub. You don’t have to install it.
Primary Focus The primary focus of Git is code sharing and version control. The primary focus of GitHub is the hosting of the centralized source code.
Year of Release It was released back in the year 2005. It was released back in the year 2008.
Feature for User Management It comes with no feature of user management. It comes with a built-in feature of user management.

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