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Difference Between HTML and HTML5

Both of these are iterations of the HTML language. They have a similar function, but they differ in their execution (since they are different iterations). In this article, we will take a look at the major difference between HTML and HTML5. Before doing that, let us understand a bit about Markup Languages.

What is Markup Language?

We can define a markup language as a system design that helps in the annotation of a document in a way that one can syntactically distinguish it. Such a language uses various tags for defining its constituting elements. Various English phrases and words comprise the markup languages- thus making them very easy to read for any user. They assist in the specific purpose of presentation, definition, and processing of the texts involved.

What is HTML?

It is a language that the World Wide Web utilizes. HTML is a standard formatting language (for texts) that assists in displaying and creating various pages on the Web. An HTML file has two major things- the constituent content and various tags that let it format the texts for a proper display on intended pages.

Scripting languages like JavaScript and technologies such as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) can use the HTML language. HTML is an acronym for Hypertext Markup Language. It is the very first iteration of the HTML markup- also called the HTML v 1.0.

What is HTML5?

The HTML5 is the fifth iteration of HTML v 1.0 with a better support for more features and tags. It’s technically called HTML version 5.0, but we can colloquially term it as HTML5.

Talking in terms of HTML5 features, all the latest Browser versions like Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc., support a majority of its features. Various web developers can make use of HTML5 to develop advanced mapping apps, web forums, and photo sites. The term HTML5 is an acronym for Hypertext Markup Language 5.

Difference Between HTML and HTML5

Parameters HTML HTML5
Full Form HTML is an acronym for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML5 is an acronym for Hypertext Markup Language 5.
Iteration It is the first iteration of HTML, also called HTML v 1.0. It is the fifth iteration of HTML, also called HTML v 5.0.
Definition It is the primary language that helps in developing various web pages. It is the newer version of HTM v 1.0 with better and newer functionalities, Internet technologies, and markup languages.
Support for Multimedia The HTML language has no support for audio and video. The HTML5 language supports multimedia in the form of both- audio and video. They constitute an essential part of this language in the form of <Video>, <Audio>, and more similar tags.
Storage Unit An HTML browser makes use of cache memory in the form of temporary storage for the system. HTML5 consists of various storage options such as web storage, SQL database, and application cache.
Browser Compatibility The HTML language is very compatible with almost all the browsers available out there. It is because HTML has been present around for quite a long time, and almost all the browsers have made necessary modifications for supporting the HTML language. The HTML5 language is very similar to the HTML- but it has modified/removed tags along with many more features. Thus, HTML5 is fully compatible with only a few browsers.
Support for Graphics HTML supports various vector graphics along with tools such as VML, Adobe Flash, Silver Light, etc. The HTML5 language, by default, supports all sorts of vector graphics.
Threading The JavaScript and browser interface run in the very same thread in the case of an HTML language. The HTML5 language allows the running of a browser interface in multiple threads because it consists of the Web Worker API of JavaScript.
Cookies HTML uses cookies for storing data (temporarily). HTML5 does not use cookies for storing necessary info- it makes use of the local storage instead.
Graphics and Vector HTML makes vector graphics possible with the assistance of various technologies such as Flash, Silverlight, VML, etc. The vector graphics constitute an integral part of Canvas, SVG, and HTML5.
JavaScript The HTML language does not provide any support for JavaScript execution (along with the code execution process). It is because HTML treats JavaScript as a language of server-side. It provides no support for its code. The HTML5 language, on the other hand, gets introduced with the Web worker API of JS (JavaScript). It thus makes the execution of JavaScript code possible in its background. It also performs HTML code execution right along with this process.

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