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Difference between Laptop and Notebook

As technology and computing have advanced, consumers are also increasingly exposed to many new and innovative products and devices all through the years. This paved the way for the launch of smaller devices that are slim and powerful and support accessible mobile computing. Thus, laptops and notebooks also came into existence. Here, we have tried to explore the definition and the difference between laptop and notebook.

Two major portable mobile computing devices are:

  • Laptops
  • Notebooks

What is a Laptop?

A compact and portable computer used as an alternative to desktops and weighing around 2 -4 kg, laptops also have almost the same power as the desktop. Meanwhile, it is slightly heavier than the notebooks, and the display size depends on the model.

What is a Notebook?

These are incredibly light and portable personal computers, available in the size of a notebook. This makes it easy to carry about everywhere. Hardware functionalities are lesser for notebooks than laptops, and their processing powers also far less than a desktop or a laptop.

What is the Difference between Laptop and Notebook?

A laptop is portable and weighs 4-8 pounds (2 to 4 kilograms), while a notebook is a personal computer that remain lightweight and small and typically weigh less than 5 pounds. Learn more about what is the difference between laptop and notebook from the table given below.

Difference between Laptop and Notebook

Laptops Notebooks
Includes fans and other cooling systems within Does not feature cooling system within as the processing power is far less
Slightly bigger and heavier than notebooks Smaller and lighter in the size of a notebook
Features an optical or DVD drive Does not have optical or DVD drive
Processing power is high Processing power is lesser to laptops
Stronger hardware Hardware is not as strong as laptop
Has a peripheral option There is no peripheral option
Display size is larger Notebooks usually have smaller display
Laptops are more expensive Notebooks are comparatively cheaper

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