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Difference Between List and Dictionary in Python

Both of these are tools used in the Python language, but there is a crucial difference between List and Dictionary in Python. A list refers to a collection of various index value pairs like that in the case of an array in C++. A dictionary refers to a hashed structure of various pairs of keys and values. In this article, we will discuss the same in a tabular form. But let us first know a bit more about each of these individually.

What is a List in Python?

A list is just like an array, but its declaration occurs in other languages. The lists don’t always need to be homogenous. Thus, it becomes the most powerful tool in the case of the Python language. A single list may consist of various DataTypes, such as Strings, Integers, and also Objects. The Lists are always mutable. Thus, we can alter it even after we create it.

What is a Dictionary in Python?

A dictionary, on the other hand, refers to an unordered collection of the data values that we use for storing the data values, such as a map. Unlike the other DataTypes, which are capable of holding only a single value in the form of an element, a Dictionary is capable of holding the key:value pair. In a Dictionary, a colon separates all the key-value pairs from each other, while a comma separates all the keys from each other.

Difference Between List and Dictionary in Python

Here are the differences present between List and Dictionary in Python:

Parameters List Dictionary
Basics A list refers to a collection of various index value pairs like that in the case of an array in C++. A dictionary refers to a hashed structure of various pairs of keys and values.
Creation We can create a list by placing all the available elements into a [ ] and separating them using “,” commas. We can create a dictionary by placing all the available elements into a { } in the form of a key:vale. Here, we have to separate each pair of available key-values using the “,” commas.
Data Type The indices in the case of a list are basically integers that start from the value 0. The keys present in a dictionary can easily be of any given data type.
Mode of Accessing We can access the elements in a key using indices. We can access the elements present in a dictionary using the key-values.
Order of Elements The entered order of elements is always maintained. We don’t have any guarantee of maintaining the order of the available elements.

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