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Difference between MongoDB and MySQL

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database used to construct highly available, functional and scalable internet applications. It arrives under the classification of a NoSQL database. This database is famous for high volume storage and with its flexible schema approach, it has become quite popular.

This kind of database utilises dynamic schemas, which means we can easily build records without specifying the structure, like fields, domains, or the types and their values.

What is MySQL?

MySQL is an open-source database management system developed by Oracle. MySQL is based on a structured query language. It helps in managing relational databases. This server is very fast, scalable, reliable and easy to operate.

You can also explore the difference between MySQL and MS SQL Server.

Difference between MongoDB and MySQL

1 MongoDB stores the data

as documents.

MySQL stores the data

in tables and rows.

2 There is no need to define the schema in MongoDB. In MySQL, we need to specify the tables and columns. After defining the tables and columns, we can store anything.
3 MongoDB supports languages like C++, C. MySQL supports languages like C++, C and JavaScript.
4 Continuous development is accomplished by MongoDB, Inc. Continuous development is accomplished by the Oracle Corporation.
5 It utilises JavaScript as a query language. It utilises the Structured Query Language (SQL).
6 It does not support the JOIN operation. It supports JOIN operation.
7 It can manage large and massive unstructured data. It is a bit slow in managing the massive database.
8 It supports sharding, auto-elections, and built-in replication. It supports master replication and master-slave replication.
9 When it comes to cloud-based services, MongoDB is the perfect choice to opt for. When it comes to thinking about data security, then MySQL is the perfect option.

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