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Difference Between Process and Thread

In the world of computer science both process and thread are counted as important terms. Process is the program under action whereas a thread is the smallest segment of instructions that can be handled independently by a scheduler. Let’s analyze the difference between process and thread.

What Is Process?

When a program is under execution, then it is known as a process. Basically, a process allows you to execute all the relevant tasks in a program. In this, the operating system helps you to design, plan, schedule, and terminate the processes used by the CPU.

What Is thread?

In the world of computer science, a thread is the smallest segment of instructions that can be handled independently by a scheduler.

Difference between Process and Thread

S.No Process Thread
1. When a program is under execution, then it is known as a process. A segment of a process is known as thread.
2. It consumes maximum time to stop. It consumes minimum time to stop.
3. It needs more time for work and conception. It needs less time for work and conception.
4. Context switching takes maximum time here. Here, context switching takes minimum time.
5. It is not that effective in terms of communication. It is effective in terms of communication.
6. It takes more resources. It takes less resources.
7. It is a heavy weight process. It is a light weight process.
8. If one process is obstructed then it will not affect the operation of another process. If one thread is obstructed then it will affect the execution of another process.

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