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Difference Between TypeScript and JavaScript

A TypeScript is basically a JavaScript superset (strongly typed) that compiles into plain Javascript. JavaScript is an HTML programming language (also for the web), and it is the most powerful one. In this article, we will discuss the difference between TypeScript and JavaScript in a tabular form. We will look into the various aspects in which they vary. We will also take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of TypeScript over JavaScript. But let us first get into the individual functionalities of each of these.

What is TypeScript?

It is a programming language of an object-oriented type that is open-source in nature. A TypeScript is basically a JavaScript superset (strongly typed) that compiles into plain Javascript. Microsoft develops and maintains TypeScript under the license of Apache 2. One cannot directly run it on any browser. TypeScript always requires a compiler for compiling and generating the Javascript file. The source file here exists in the “.ts” extension. One can also make use of any valid given “.js” file after we rename it to the “.ts” file. The JavaScript ES6 version is TypeScript, and it comes with a variety of additional features.

What is JavaScript?

It is an HTML programming language (also for the web), and it is the most powerful one among them all. JavaScript is a scripting language that is object-based, cross-platform, and lightweight. One can use it for feasibly creating the dynamic pages of the client-side. The JavaScript language contains programs known as scripts. These scripts exist in the HTML pages form, and the execution occurs automatically when each page loads. JavaScript can be easily executed and provided in the form of plain text. It needs no compilation or special preparation for running and generating the files.

The Advantages of a TypeScript over a JavaScript

  • It holds the concept of a namespace with the help of a module definition.
  • A TypeScript can easily run on any given JavaScript engine or a browser.
  • It comes with the support for great tooling with IntelliSense. As a result, it provides hints (actively) with the adding code.
  • It supports static typing or strongly typed. This feature is not possible in the case of JavaScript.
  • TypeScript mainly always highlights any error present during the time of compilation (when the development process occurs). On the other hand, JavaScript is capable of pointing out any present errors during the runtime.

The Disadvantages of a TypeScript over a JavaScript

  • Compiling the recent code takes a comparatively longer time in TypeScript than JavaScript.
  • It provides no support for the abstract classes.
  • When a user runs a TypeScript application in any given browser, they require a compilation step for transforming the TypeScript into JavaScript.

Difference Between TypeScript and JavaScript

Parameters TypeScript JavaScript
Static Typing Feature TypeScript always provides support for static typing or strongly typed features. JavaScript does not provide any support for static typing or strongly typed features.
Era of Development In 2012, Anders Hejisberg developed TypeScript. Netscape developed JavaScript back in 1995.
Source Files The source files of the TypeScript are in the “.ts” extension. The source files of JavaScript are in the “.js” extension.
Running on Browser One cannot directly run it on any browser. You can directly run it on any given browser.
Supported Features TypeScript supports various programming concepts of object-oriented type, such as generics, inheritance, interfaces, classes, etc. JavaScript is merely a scripting language.
Support for Optional Parameters TypeScript provides support for optional parameters. JavaScript provides support for optional parameters.
Highlighting Errors A TypeScript performs code compilation. It only highlights the errors during the time of development. JavaScript is an interpreted language. Thus, it can easily highlight the errors during runtime.
Module Support It provides support for modules. It has no support for the modules.
String Used In TypeScript, the String forms the interface. In JavaScript, the String acts as the object.
Support for Generics It provides support for generics. It provides no support for generics.
Type TypeScript is a very heavy-weight type of compiling language developed by Microsoft, which is also object-oriented. JavaScript is a very lightweight interpreted language (interpreted language) that Netscape introduced.
Internal Implementation TypeScript’s internal implementation doesn’t allow its usage at the server’s side. It means that we can only use it on the client’s side. The internal implementation of JavaScript, on the other hand, lets one use it at both- the server’s side and the client’s side.
Compilation We first need to compile any given set of code written in TypeScript. Then we can convert it to JavaScript. The process of conversion here is known as Trans-piled. Conversely, in the case of JavaScript, we don’t need to follow the compilation process.
Data Binding A TypeScript binds the available data at the code level with the help of concepts such as interfaces and types for describing the overall use of data. JavaScript has no such concept introduced in it yet.

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