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Differences Between Verification and Validation

Verification means checking the documents, designs, and other programming things. Validation means testing the actual product. Let’s analyze the difference between verification and validation.

What Is Verification?

As its name implies, verification is the process to confirm or check the final status of a developed software product. In this process, we verify whether the software accomplishes its aim and requirements without any errors or not. And, also confirms if the documents, designs and programs are accurate or not.

What Is Validation?

Validation means checking the approval for the particular product. It means it validates whether the product is developed according to the expectations or not. And whether it is fulfilling all the requirements or not. Is it the same product that the team wants to develop. Through the testing process, we can analyze all these pointers.

Differences Between Verification and Validation





Verification means checking the documents, languages, designs, and other programming things. Validation means testing the actual product.


Verification does not involve the execution of the code. Validation involves the execution.


It is considered static testing. It is considered dynamic testing.


Verification uses methods such as walkthroughs, reviews, desk-checking, and inspection. Validation uses a method such as White Box Testing, Black Box Testing, etc.


It has the ability to detect errors quickly It can only detect errors that could not be determined by the verification method.


It includes checking documents delivered by humans. It includes the execution of a program executed by a computer.

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