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Merge Sort Algorithm - GATE CSE Notes

Merge sort is the sorting technique that follows the divide and conquers strategy.

It is very much similar to the quick sort algorithm as it also prefers the divide and conquers method to sort the elements. It is one of the most prevalent and efficient sorting algorithms. It splits the provided array into two halves, then sorts them and combines them.

Now, let’s see the algorithm of merge sort.

Merge Sort Algorithm

In the below algorithm, ar is the given array, start is the starting element, and finish is the last component of the array.

  1. MERGE_SORT(ar, start, finish)
  2. if start< finish
  3. set mid = (start + finish)/2
  4. MERGE_SORT(ar, start, mid)
  5. MERGE_SORT(ar, mid + 1, finish)
  6. MERGE (ar, start, mid, finish)
  7. finish of if

Working of Merge Sort Algorithm

To understand the working of the merge sort algorithm, we are considering an unsorted list of arrays.

Let the components of the array are –

Working of Merge Sort Algorithm The given array will initially be divided into two parts in accordance with the merge sort. The list is repeatedly split into two equal pieces in the merge sort algorithm until it can no longer be split.

There are a total of eight elements in the array below, which has been separated into four array sizes (each).

Working of Merge Sort Algorithm 1

Now divide these two arrays once more into two sections. These arrays are 4 bytes in size. We’ll divide them into two equal pieces.

Working of Merge Sort Algorithm 2

To get the final value that we can’t split any further, we shall split these arrays once more.

Working of Merge Sort Algorithm 3

Now, combine them exactly as we did when we separated them.

Merging involves comparing the list’s elements first, after which they are combined into another list of sorted arrays.

Therefore, compare 11 and 30 first since they both have sorted positions. Then, after comparing 24 and 7, order the two values in the array of two by placing 7 before 24. Then order them and place 16 first, then 31 after comparing 31 and 16. Compare 39 and 41 after that, then arrange them in order.

Working of Merge Sort Algorithm 4

In the subsequent iteration, compare the arrays holding the two data values and combine them into a single array of found values in sorted order.

Working of Merge Sort Algorithm 5

The arrays are finally combined at this point. The array will now appear as follows:

Working of Merge Sort Algorithm 6

Now, the array is completely sorted.

Merge Sort Complexity

1. Time Complexity of Merge Sort Algorithm

Case Time Complexity of Merge Sort
Best Case O(n*logn)
Average Case O(n*logn)
Worst Case O(n*logn)

2. Space Complexity of Merge Sort Algorithm

Space Complexity of Merge Sort Algorithm O(n)6

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