Asymmetric encryption, like RSA, uses two unique but connected keys. Both the private and the public keys can encrypt a message using RSA cryptography. A message is decrypted using the opposite key to that which was used to encrypt it.

In this article, we will look more into the RSA Algorithm according to the GATE Syllabus for (Computer Science Engineering) CSE. We will read ahead to find out more about it.

Table of Contents

What is the RSA Algorithm?

Asymmetric cryptography uses the RSA algorithm. Asymmetric really implies that it uses both the public and private keys, which are two separate keys. As implied by the name, the private key is kept secret while the public key is distributed to everyone.

Asymmetric Cryptography Example

  1. A client (such as a browser) contacts the server with a request for data while sending the server its public key.
  2. Using the client’s public key, the server encrypts the data before sending it.
  3. The data is given to the client, who decrypts it.

Here, since it is asymmetric, only the browser can decrypt the provided data. It holds true even if a third party consists of the browser’s public key.

The Idea of the RSA Algorithm

The concept of RSA is based on the fact that big integers are challenging to factor. The public key is made up of two numbers, one of which is the product of two enormous prime numbers. The same two prime numbers are also used to create the private key. Therefore, the private key is compromised if someone is able to factorise the huge integer.

As a result, the key size completely determines how strong encryption is, and doubling or tripling the key size significantly boosts encryption strength. RSA keys can normally be 1024 or 2048 bits long; however, experts think that keys with 1024 bits could be cracked soon. But as of right now, it appears to be an impossible feat.

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