Current status of MGNREGS:

  • The Government of India has allocated Rs. 73,000 crore at the Budget Estimate stage for the current financial year 2021-22 for MNREGS which is an increase of Rs. 11,500 crore as compared to Budget Estimate for the financial year 2020-21.
  • In the current financial year 2021-22, 6.51 crore persons have been provided employment and more than 130.9 crore person-days have been generated under MGNREGS. 
  • An amount of Rs. 41,187.06 crore has been released in the current financial year 2021-22 (as of 20.07.2021) for the implementation of the programme.
  • The Act also mandates expenditure of 60% for the creation of assets directly related to agriculture and allied activities through the development of land, water and trees. In the current FY 2021-22, so far, 73% of the expenditure is incurred on agriculture and allied works.

Further Reading:

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