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Which is India’s first supercomputer?

  • India’s first supercomputer is Param 8000.
  • Developed in 1991,it is a series of gigaflop supercomputers developed by Vijay P Bhaktar, who is known as the “architect of India’s initiative in supercomputing”.
  •  PARAM stands for ‘PARAllel machine’ and was developed by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(CDAC). Complications involved in the purchase of the supercomputers from foreign countries culminated in the development of India’s first indigenous supercomputer.
  • Developed as a 256 – node machine, it was exported to Germany, the United Kingdom, and Russia.
  • The fastest supercomputer in India is PARAM Siddhi-AI.
  • The PARAM series of supercomputers also includes PARAM 8600, PARAM 9000, and PARAM 10000. They are used for both public and private purposes.
  • National Supercomputing Mission

    • The National Supercomputing Mission (NSM) was launched in 2015 with the objective to make India one of the top performing countries in Supercomputing and enhance its potential to solve challenging problems of national and international importance.
    • It also tried to empower the scientific community with avant-garde technologies to conduct world-class research in their respective fields.

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