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JEE Advanced Cutoff 2023

The JEE Advanced 2023 cutoff will be released by IIT Guwahati. We have provided the expected JEE Advanced 2023 cutoff on this page. The students can find the JEE Advanced 2023 cutoff for the General category and other categories. They can also check the 2022 JEE Advanced cutoff released by IIT Bombay. The cutoff gives an idea of the minimum marks required in the JEE Advanced.

JEE Advanced cutoff marks are essential details that each candidate should be aware of. The cutoff is nothing but the minimum mark that a candidate needs to score while appearing for the exam. As per the general guidelines, candidates who achieve a score equal to or more than the IIT JEE Advanced cutoff will only be allowed to participate in the counselling process. The cutoffs are usually released on the official website of the exam conducting body. It is generally revealed after the results are announced or declared.JEE Advanced Cutoff

An interesting thing about the cutoff is that it depends upon the difficulty level of the JEE Advanced question paper. For instance, if the difficulty level of the question paper is high, the JEE Advanced cutoffs are usually set low and vice versa. However, looking at the trends in the past few years, we have seen a significant increase in the cutoffs, which might be primarily due to the increasing competition between candidates. 

JEE Advanced 2023 Cutoff – Qualifying Cutoff Marks

IIT Guwahati will publish the JEE Advanced 2023 cutoff after the declaration of JEE Advanced 2023 results. Usually, two sets of cutoffs are released: admission cutoffs and qualifying cutoffs. In general, cutoffs are the minimum marks candidates should attain for admission. However, it is expected that the minimum cutoff marks will be more compared to the previous year cutoffs.

JEE Advanced Cutoff 2023 Analysis

JEE Advanced cutoff for admissions to IITs will be prepared by respective IITs depending on factors such as

  • The difficulty level of the JEE Advanced question paper.
  • The total number of candidates who appeared for the exam.
  • Candidates’ performance in the exam.
  • The total number of seats available in the respective IITs.
  • Past years’ cutoff trends.

Also read: JEE Advanced Marks Vs Ranks

JEE Advanced Cutoff Highlights

  • The cutoff of JEE Advanced is the minimum qualifying marks the student needs to secure to be included in the rank list.
  • Students must score the minimum aggregate qualifying marks and qualifying marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
  • JEE Advanced cutoff will be prepared by respective IIT colleges at the time of counselling conducted by JoSAA.
  • The cutoff marks for admission will be in the form of opening ranks and closing ranks. Every college will publish its separate cutoff ranks for each course.
  • The JEE Advanced cutoff marks and cutoffs for qualifying are different for each category.

JEE Advanced Cutoff – Previous Years’ Category-wise JEE Cutoff

Candidates can check the previous year’s cutoff below for reference.

JEE Advanced Cutoff 2022 – Qualifying Cutoff

IIT Bombay has released the JEE Advanced 2022 cutoff. We have provided the qualifying cutoff for JEE Advanced 2022 in the table below.

Category Minimum Marks in Each Subject Minimum Aggregate Marks
Common rank list (CRL) 5 55
OBC-NCL rank list 5 50
General EWS rank list 5 50
SC rank list 3 28
ST rank list 3 28
Common PwD rank list 3 28
OBC-NCL PwD rank list 3 28
General-NCL PwD rank list 3 28
SC PwD rank list 3 28
ST PwD rank list 3 28
Preparatory course (PC) rank lists 1 14

JEE Advanced Cutoff 2022 – For Inclusion in Rank List

Here, you can check the minimum percentage for inclusion in the JEE Advanced 2022 rank list.

Category Minimum percentage of marks in each subject Minimum percentage of aggregate marks
Common rank list (CRL) 4.40% 15.28%
OBC-NCL rank list 4.00% 13.89%
General EWS rank list 4.00% 13.89%
SC rank list 2.20% 7.78%
ST rank list 2.20% 7.78%
Common PwD rank list 2.20% 7.78%
OBC-NCL PwD rank list 2.20% 7.78%
General-NCL PwD rank list 2.20% 7.78%
SC PwD rank list 2.20% 7.78%
ST PwD rank list 2.20% 7.78%
Preparatory course (PC) rank lists 0.83% 3.89%

JEE Advanced 2021 Cutoff  (Qualifying)

Category Rank List Minimum marks in

each subject

Minimum aggregate


Common rank list (CRL) 6 63
GEN EWS rank list 5 56
OBC-NCL rank list 5 56
ST rank list 3 31
SC rank list 3 31
Common PwD rank list (CRL-PwD) 3 31
GEN EWS PwD rank list 3 31
SC PwD rank list 3 31
ST PwD rank list 3 31
OBC-NCL PwD rank list 3 31
Preparatory course (PC) rank lists 0 9

JEE Advanced 2021 Rank List Criteria

Category Minimum percentage of marks in each Subject Minimum percentage of aggregate marks
Common rank list (CRL) 5.00% 17.50%
GEN EWS rank list 4.50% 15.75%
OBC-NCL rank list 4.50% 15.75%
ST rank list 2.50% 8.75%
SC rank list 2.50% 8.75%
Common PwD rank list (CRL-PwD) 2.50% 8.75%
GEN EWS PwD rank list 2.50% 8.75%
OBC-NCL PwD rank list 2.50% 8.75%
ST PwD rank list 2.50% 8.75%
SC PwD rank list 2.50% 8.75%
Preparatory course (PC) rank lists 0.75% 2.625

JEE Advanced 2020 Cutoffs


Minimum marks in each subject

Minimum aggregate marks

Common rank list (CRL)



GEN EWS rank list



OBC-NCL rank list



SC rank list






Common PwD rank list (CRL)



OBC-NCL PwD rank list



SC PwD rank list



ST PwD rank list



Preparatory course rank lists



Rank List Criteria


Minimum percentage of marks in each subject

Minimum percentage aggregate marks

Common rank list (CRL)



GEN EWS rank list



OBC-NCL rank list



SC rank list






Common PwD rank list (CRL)



OBC-NCL PwD rank list



SC PwD rank list



ST PwD rank list



Preparatory course rank lists



JEE Advanced Cutoff 2019


Minimum percentage of marks in each subject

Minimum percentage of aggregate marks

Revised cutoff

Common rank list (CRL)




GEN EWS rank list




OBC-NCL rank list




SC rank list








Common PwD rank list (CRL)




OBC-NCL PwD rank list




SC PwD rank list




ST PwD rank list




Preparatory course rank lists




JEE Advanced Cutoff 2018 (Qualifying Marks)

Aspirants can check the 2018 JEE Advanced cutoff from the table given below. Candidates who achieve the cutoff marks will be eligible to get their ranks based on the scores.

Category or Rank List Minimum Marks Subject-wise Minimum

Aggregate Marks


Aggregate Marks (Revised)

CRL 12 126 90
SC 6 63 45
ST 6 63 45
OBC-NCL 11 114 81
PwD-CRL 6 63 45
ST-PwD 6 64 45
SC-PwD 6 64 45
OBC-NCL-PwD 6 64 45
Preparatory course 3 32 23

JEE Advanced Cutoff 2017 (Qualifying Marks)

The aggregate qualifying marks for JEE Advanced 2017 is the sum of marks scored in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. To be included in the rank list of JEE Advanced 2017, students were required to satisfy the aggregate marks as well as the subject-wise qualifying marks.

Subject-wise JEE Advanced 2017 Cutoff
Maximum Qualifying Marks Total
Subjects Paper 1 Paper 2 Maximum Marks
Physics 61 Marks 61 Marks 112 Marks
Chemistry 61 Marks 61 Marks 112 Marks
Mathematics 61 Marks 61 Marks 112 Marks
Max. Marks 183 Marks 183 Marks 366 Marks

JEE Advanced Cutoff 2017 for Inclusion in the Rank List

Category Minimum Aggregate Marks (%) Minimum Marks in Each Subject (%)
CRL (Common rank list) 35 10
OBC & NCL 31.5 9
Scheduled Caste (SC) 17.5 5
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 17.5 5
CRL & PwD 17.5 5
OBC (NCL) & PwD 17.5 5
Scheduled Caste (SC) & PwD 17.5 5
Scheduled Tribe (ST) & PwD 17.5 5
(PC) Preparatory course 8.75 2.5

JEE Advanced Cutoff 2017

Category Status Rank List Minimum Marks Minimum Marks in Each Subject
Any Any CRL 118 11
OBC & NCL Any OBC & NCL 115 10
Scheduled Caste (SC) Any Scheduled Caste Rank List 64 6
Scheduled Tribe (ST) Any Scheduled Tribe Rank List 64 6
Any PwD CRL & PwD Rank List 64 6
OBC & NCL PwD OBC, NCL & PwD Rank list 64 6
Scheduled Caste (SC) PwD PwD Rank List 64 6
Scheduled Tribe (ST) PwD ST & PwD Rank List 64 6
Any PwD PC, CRL & PwD Rank List 32 3
OBC & NCL PwD PC, OBC, NCL & PwD 32 3
Scheduled Caste (SC) Any PC & SC rank list 32 3
Scheduled Caste (SC) PwD PC, SC & PwD rank list 32 3

JEE Advanced 2017 –  Statistics of Qualified Candidates

Category Status Registered Appeared Qualified
OBC & NCL — 62483 57502 8821
PwD 577 509 222
Scheduled Caste (SC) — 27287 24605 13277
PwD 119 111 35
General — 69150 65887 22946
PwD 975 886 444
Scheduled Tribe (ST) — 11389 10008 4701
PwD 34 31 9
Total Students 172024 159540 50455
Female Students 33358 29872 7137
Male Students 138665 119668 43318
Foreign Students 598 109 7
Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) 114 111 58
Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) 54 50 29

JEE Advanced 2017 Maximum Marks

Paper 1 = 183 Marks & Paper 2 = 183 Marks

Subject Paper 1 Paper 2 Total Marks
Physics 61 Marks 61 Marks 122 Marks
Chemistry 61 Marks 61 Marks 122 Marks
Mathematics 61 Marks 61 Marks 122 Marks
Total Marks 183 Marks 183 Marks 366 Marks

JEE Advanced Cutoff Rank 2017

For admissions into prestigious colleges like IITs and ISM, JEE Advanced 2017 cutoff ranks will be declared by the JoSAA at the time of counselling. Rank-wise cutoffs will be soon disclosed by all IITs. However, students can go through JEE Advanced 2016 rank-wise cutoffs to understand the admissions to different IITs. The detailed list of category-wise JEE Advanced 2016 opening rank and closing rank is mentioned below.



Starting Ending Starting Ending Starting Ending Starting Ending
IIT Kanpur 65 3557 113 7469 21 1065 29 2110
IIT Varanasi 432 3235 500 9873 18 1118 135 2279
IIT Bombay 8 2596 1 4880 1 87 2 1743
IIT Bhilai 1479 2396 3146 8379 548 670 869 1574
IIT Delhi 33 2959 24 5431 3 1004 16 1719
IIT Bhubaneswar 768 2986 1497 8482 357 988 299 1641
IIT Guwahati 236 3340 406 8000 54 1116 91 1973
IIT Kharagpur 48 3763 138 10310 24 1072 30 2347
IIT Hyderabad 184 2983 418 6844 48 835 118 1736
IIT Roorkee 117 4381 294 10422 1 1084 90 2134
IIT Dharwad 2482 3008 2914 8478 593 805 832 1687
IIT Indore 448 3200 933 7732 74 345 365 1899
IIT Gandhinagar 571 3113 493 6869 96 969 310 1859
IIT Goa 1311 2932 3003 7571 439 691 634 1637
IIT Madras 38 3607 62 9353 7 1103 14 2219
IIT Jammu 1714 3341 4743 8624 657 781 946 1702
IIT Ropar 544 2701 898 7372 265 630 361 1184
IIT Tirupati 1345 2814 2524 8536 536 760 649 1518
IIT Jodhpur 851 2288 699 2704 234 621 563 1198
IIT Palakkad 1372 2978 2818 8648 448 728 909 1645
IIT Mandi 821 1101 1701 7114 164 531 324 1341
IIT Patna 719 2744 1541 7891 376 939 242 1605
ISM Dhanbad 863 3624 1655 9530 46 1057 292 2169

JEE Advanced Cutoff – 2016 and 2015

Students can check JEE Advanced 2016 and 2015 initial and final cutoffs required for qualifying for the exam.

Category Minimum aggregate marks 2015 (%) Minimum aggregate marks 2016 (%)
Initial Final Initial Final
Common rank list (CRL) 35.00 24.50 35.0 20
OBC & NCL 31.50 22.05 31.5 18
Scheduled Caste (SC) 17.50 11.55 17.5 10
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 17.50 11.55 17.5 10
General & PwD 17.50 11.55 17.5 10
OBC, NCL & PwD 17.50 11.55 17.5 10
SC & PwD 17.50 11.55 17.5 10
ST & PwD 17.50 11.55 17.5 10
Preparatory 8.750 6.115 8.75 05

To know more about JEE Advanced eligibility criteria, application forms, syllabus and more, keep visiting BYJU’S.

Frequently Asked Questions on JEE Advanced Cutoff


What is the qualifying cutoff score for the JEE Advanced 2022?

The minimum mark in each subject is 5, and the minimum aggregate mark is 55 for the common rank list (CRL).


What is the meaning of the cutoff in JEE Advanced exam?

The cutoff is the minimum qualifying score that JEE Advanced candidates must obtain to be considered for admission.


What are the qualifying criteria for JEE Advanced?

Candidates, if they want to secure their name in the JEE Advanced rank lists and be considered for admission, they have to meet the minimum percentage of marks for each subject and in aggregate. Additionally, candidates who secure top positions (2,50,000) in JEE Main will only be eligible to appear for the Advanced exam.


Are the cutoffs based on different categories?

The JEE Advanced cutoffs are based on different categories for different programmes. Different cutoffs exist for the General category, SC and ST, OBC, etc. The cutoff for admission is also based on the course and college selected by the candidates


What are the factors that are taken for finalising the cut-offs?

Several factors are taken into consideration by the authorities to prepare the cutoffs. Some key ones are

  • Previous years’ cut-off trends.
  • The difficulty level of JEE Advanced.
  • The total number of applicants.
  • The number of seats available for admission.
  • Performance of the candidates.

What is the cutoff for foreign students?

The exam authorities have not released any cutoff for foreign candidates as such. They will be granted admission to IITs solely based on their scores in the JEE Advanced exam. However, foreign candidates don’t need to clear the JEE Main, and they can directly register for JEE Advanced.


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