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Transistor as a Switch

Using a transistor as a switch is the simplest application of the device. A transistor can be extensively used for switching operations, either for opening or closing a circuit. On the other hand, the basic concept behind the operation of a transistor as a switch relies on its mode of operation. Generally, the low-voltage DC is turned on or off by transistors in this mode.

Both PNP and NPN transistors can be utilised as switches. A basic terminal transistor can be handled differently from a signal amplifier by biasing both NPN and PNP bipolar transistors with an “ON / OFF” static switch. One of the main uses of the transistor to transform a DC signal “ON” or “OFF” is solid-state switches.

Transistor As A Switch

Some devices, including LEDs, only require several milliamperes of DC voltages at the logical level and can be directly controlled via the logical gate output. High-power devices such as generators, solenoids or lamps usually need more power to use transistor switches than the usual logic gate.

Read More: Transistors

Transistor Switch’s Working Regions or Operating Modes

The saturation zone and cut-off area are also known as the transistor switch’s working regions. This implies that, by switching between its “top-off” (saturation) and “absolute OFF,” the transistor is used as a switch to basically overwrite its Q-Point and the voltage divider circuit that is needed for amplification.

Transistor Switch's Working Regions or Operating Modes

Cut-off Region

The “cut-off” area is at the bottom of the curves, the blue, shaded area and the yellow zone on the left is the transistor “saturation” region.

The transistor’s operating specifications include the base current (IB), the collector current (IC) and the emitter-collector voltage (VCE).

Characteristics of Cut-off Region

  • The transistor is used as an “open switch”
  • The bases and input are grounded (0v)
  • The base emission voltage is VBE > 0.7 V
  • The basic emitter is reversed
  • The full-OFF (cut-off area) transistor (“Collector Flow = 0”) • VOUT = VCC = “1′′”
  • No collector current flows (IC = 0)

Instead, we can describe the “cut-off region” or “OFF mode,” both in reverse bias, with Vb < 0.7 V and IC = 0, when using a bipolar transistor as a switch.

Also Read: Transistor as Amplifier

Saturation Region

In this mode or region, the highest base current is applied, leading to the overall collector current, causing the average collector-emitter voltage to fall and the leakage surface as small as possible and the maximum current that flows across this transistor. That is why the “Fully ON” transistor is triggered.

Alternatively, we can define the “saturation field” or “ON step,” all junctions forward, VW > 0.7 V and IK = complete when using a bipolar transistor as a switch.

Bipolar transistor as a switch.

Let us consider a base-biased transistor in a CE configuration. When we extend the voltage rule of Kirchhoff to the circuit’s input and output side, we can write,

VBB = IBRB + VBE … (1)

VCE = VCC – ICRC … (2)

VBB is the input voltage (Vi), and VCE  is the output voltage DC (Vo). That’s why we get,



First, let’s look at the shift in Vo as Vi rises from zero. A Silicon junction transistor remains in a cutoff state as long as Vi is less than 0.6 V. Also, IC= 0. Vo= VCC. Thus, the transistor switches into an active state when Vi goes past 0.6 V. IC >0, and Vo is also decreasing (because ICRC is increasing). Originally, with rising Vi, IC increases almost linearly.

Vo also decreases linearly until its value drops below 1 V. Post this, the change becomes non-linear, and the transistor moves into the state of saturation. Vo continues to decrease on increasing Vi but never becomes zero. Here’s a Vo vs Vi plot (also referred to as the transition features of a reference transistor).

Base-biased transistor in a CE configuration

There are two things to remember here:

When Vi is low and the transistor is unable to forward bias, Vo is high(= VCC).

If Vi is sufficiently high to saturate the transistor, Vo is very low (~0).

It is also switched off when a transistor is not conducting. On the other side, it is turned on when it is in a state of depletion. Bringing these components together, imagine a resistor that determines the low and high values below and above those points of voltage.

Such levels suit the transistor’s cutoff and saturation. We might say in such a situation that a small input turns off the transistor, and a high input switches on it. These circuits are designed to prevent the transistor from staying in an active state. This is how a transistor can act as a switch.

Also Read: Transformers

Applications Oo Transistor as a Switch

The transistor as a switch has the following uses:

  • The LED feature is the most widely employed practical application that is used as a switch for the transistor.
  • The relay operation can be managed by making the necessary circuit changes in order to connect and control some external devices with respect to the relay.
  • With this idea of transistors, the DC motors can be controlled and monitored. This software is used to turn the engine on and off. The motor speed can be modified by changing the transistor frequency values.
  • Light-bulb is one of the example of these switches’. It can switch the light on if the setting is bright and off, depending on the dark surroundings. A light-dependent resistor (LDR) is used to do this.
  • An element called a thermistor can be controlled using this switching method, which detects the ambient temperature. The thermistor is called a resistor. The resistance increases when the temperature sensed is low, and the resistance decreases when the sensed temperature is high.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Transistors as Switch


Which region of the transistor is very highly doped?

The base of the transistor is very highly doped.


How is the emitter region different from the collector?

The emitter is more heavily doped than the collector.


What are the relations between transistor currents?

The emitter current is equal to the sum of the base current and collector current.


What is the significance of the arrow in the symbol of a transistor?

The arrow is always on the emitter, and it shows the direction of the conventional current.


What is a transistor?

A transistor is a semiconductor device consisting of two PN junctions back to back. It has three doped regions, and its main action is amplification.


What are the three regions of a transistor?



What is the normal biasing of the diode in a transistor?

The emitter-base diode is forward-biased, while the collector-base diode is reverse-biased.


Why is the transistor a current-controlled device?

By controlling the base current, the outgoing collector current can be controlled for the given emitter current. Hence, a transistor is a current-controlled device.

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