
Children are curious about many things, and they ask questions about what they see around them. Sometimes, they will be eager to know how a fan works or milk turns into curd. So, it would be interesting to teach them that science has an answer to all their queries. This is the perfect time and age to introduce them to the wonder of science through this essay on science.

Science has seen tremendous progress over the years, and we are able to lead a comfortable life because of many scientific inventions and discoveries. Today, everything is run on a machine, and we attribute this success to science. Through this essay on science in English, we will make our children realise its significance and influence in our lives.

Essay on Science

Importance of Science

Without science, we would not have reached anywhere, and the comforts we see around us like fans, grinders, washing machines or laptops would not have existed. In this importance of science essay, we will discuss some aspects where science has contributed largely to society.

Can you imagine a day without smartphones? From calling friends and families who are countries apart and sending messages to them to transferring money and paying the bills, science has opened a new world before our eyes through the invention of smartphones. Moreover, it was difficult to travel long distances earlier, but now, we have motor vehicles, metro rails, and bullet trains that make it easy to travel far within a short time.

We have also heard the news of people landing on the moon, and this is the greatest achievement so far in the scientific realm. Likewise, this essay on science emphasises that it would not have been possible without science to stay cool during hot summers or cook our favourite dishes.

Uses of Science

In this part of the essay on science in English, we will see the uses of science in different fields and sectors. This will make children aware of the huge influence of science in our lives and society. We have already seen how science has contributed in the areas of transportation and communication in the previous section. Let us now see its impact on other fields through the importance of science essay.

The field of medicine has hugely benefited from science as it led to the discovery  of medical equipment that cured many diseases. In addition, many agricultural activities have become easy due to the influence of science. With special machines for sowing the seeds and drip irrigation systems, science has taken agriculture to a different level.

Thus, this essay on science emphasises that science has and will continue to amaze us in different ways. So, let us nurture the curiosity of our children through such amazing essays from BYJU’S.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Science


Why is it necessary to study science?

Science is a vast field that teaches many things about the natural and social world. It has made our lives easier with the invention of several gadgets and machinery. So, by studying science, children can also be a part of such discoveries.


Name some famous scientists of the world.

Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam was a leading scientist whose creation of advanced missiles earned him a place in India’s space research and defence forces. Isaac Newton and Thomas Alva Edison are other recognised scientists whose theories about gravity and the invention of the light bulb respectively revolutionised the field of science.


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