The exterior angle theorem is one of the most fundamental theorems of triangles. Before we begin the discussion, let us have a look at what a triangle is. A polygon is defined as a plane figure bounded by a finite number of line segments to form a closed figure. Triangle is the polygon bounded by a least number of line segments, i.e. three. It has three edges and three vertices. Figure 1 below represents a triangle with three sides AB, BC, CA, and three vertices A, B and C. ∠ABC, ∠BCA and ∠CAB are the three interior angles of ∆ABC.

Fig. 1 Triangle ABC
One of the basic theorems explaining the properties of a triangle is the exterior angle theorem. Let us discuss this theorem in detail.
Exterior Angle Theorem
Statement: If a side of a triangle is produced, then the exterior angle so formed is equal to the sum of the two interior opposite angles.

Fig. 2 Exterior Angle Theorem
The above statement can be explained using the figure provided as:
According to the Exterior Angle property of a triangle theorem, the sum of measures of ∠ABC and ∠CAB would be equal to the exterior angle ∠ACD.
General proof of this theorem is explained below:
Consider a ∆ABC as shown in fig. 2, such that the side BC of ∆ABC is extended. A line, parallel to the side AB is drawn as shown in the figure.

Fig. 3 Exterior Angle Theorem
S. No | Statement | Reason |
1. | ∠CAB = ∠ACE ⇒∠1=∠x |
Pair of alternate angles(BA || CE) and (AC) is the transversal) |
2. | ∠ABC = ∠ECD ⇒∠2 = ∠y |
Corresponding angles (BA) ||(CE) and (BD) is the transversal) |
3. | ⇒∠1+∠2 = ∠x+∠y | From statements 1 and 2 |
4. | ∠x+∠y = ∠ACD | From fig. 3 |
5. | ∠1+∠2 = ∠ACD | From statements 3 and 4 |
Thus, from the above statements, it can be seen that the exterior ∠ACD of ∆ABC is equal to the sum of two opposite interior angles i.e. ∠CAB and ∠ABC of the ∆ABC.
Hence proved.
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What is the exterior angle theorem formula?
The measure of exterior angle = Sum of two opposite interior angles’ measure
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