How to Study Class 11 Biology (Zoology) - NEET 2023

“ Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge”

– Carl Sagan

To excel in the field of science, it is always a must to ask questions, start thinking and do experiments. For all those NEET aspirants, the medical journey starts with acquiring knowledge. This process of building concepts and knowledge does not start from Class 12. It is a long journey which will be discussed in this article.

Here, let us focus more on the transition of science from Class 10 to Class 11. In Class 10, we have biology, physics and chemistry together in a single textbook. They cover the basic concepts of science. Then comes the Class 11 syllabus where aspirants will learn physics, chemistry and biology separately in an in-depth manner. This is a huge transition which should be properly bridged.

Now, let us glance at the step-by-step guide to start NEET zoology preparations. The first step starts with Class 10 NCERT.

NCERT Class 10

The Class 10 integrated science has four important Chapters that are a must to be covered. The following four Chapters lays the foundation for Class 11 and 12 biology (zoology) concepts.

Class 10 Class 11 Class 12
Chapter 6 – Life Processes Digestion and Absorption

Breathing and Exchange of Gases

Body Fluids and Circulation

Excretory Products and their Elimination

Chapter 7 – Control and Coordination Neural Control and Coordination

Chemical Coordination and Integration

Chapter 8 – How do Organisms Reproduce? Reproduction in Organisms

Human Reproduction

Reproductive Health

Chapter 9 – Heredity and Evolution Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Molecular Basis of Inheritance


  1. The Chapter Life Processes deals with the functioning and maintenance of living organisms. This covers the crux of nutrition, respiration, transportation and excretion processes in both animals and plants. These concepts are to be revised before moving on to the Plant and Human Physiology Chapters in Class 11.
  2. Control and Coordination encompasses the basics of stimuli and responses. It talks about hormones and coordination in animals as well as plants. These concepts again play a significant role in learning Human and Plant Physiology units in Class 11.
  3. The process of creating new individuals by both unicellular and multicellular organisms is well discussed in Chapter 8 of Class 10. This information forms the basis to cover the first 4 chapters of Class 12 (including botany).
  4. The final biology Chapter (chapter 9) is important to understand the concepts given in the Class 12 Genetics and Evolution unit. The unit covers 3 Chapters which are mentioned in the above table.

After completing the important Chapters, solve the NEET biology MCQs to test your understanding. Practice till you can effortlessly solve them in under 40 seconds.

Important Chapters

We glimpsed through various units and Chapters from Class 10 to Class 12. In the following table, each important Chapter is mentioned with the difficulty level to learn in terms of the NEET perspective.

Chapter Difficulty Level
Digestion and Absorption Moderate
Body Fluids and Circulation Moderate
Breathing and Exchange of Gases Difficult
Excretory Products and their Elimination Difficult
Locomotion and Movement Moderate
Neural Control Difficult
Chemical Coordination Moderate
Reproduction in Organisms Easy
Human Reproduction Difficult
Reproductive Health Easy
Principles of Inheritance and Variation Difficult
Molecular Basis of Inheritance Difficult
Evolution Moderate
Cell Cycle and Cell Division Moderate

See more: Biology NEET Question Paper

Prerequisites to Crack NEET

Revising Class 9 and 10 NCERTs is the first thing to do before starting your NEET zoology preparations. As mentioned earlier, the foundation for biology starts from earlier Classes. The concepts in Classes 11 and 12 are a higher evolved form of the previous Classes. Thus spend at least a few days revising the Class 9 and especially Class 10 NCERT concepts. Learning all the Chapters from Class 9 to Class 12 will create a strong base for NEET. This can be difficult to achieve with high-standard study materials. The following are some additional tips to crack the NEET zoology section –

  • NCERTs give concise information about all high-level concepts. Thus, it is a must to research each topic and gather elaborate information. Maintain a self-study notebook for revising the concepts.
  • Create a timetable focusing on all important NCERT zoology concepts. Follow the timetable with discipline and consistency. Also, manage your planner to spend equal time and effort on other subjects. Remember that the NEET cut-off does not rely on one subject score.
  • Solve and analyse NEET question papers and mock tests to get practice on the question pattern. Just learning the concepts won’t help if you lack the practical knowledge to apply them. Thus practice MCQs and also diagram-based questions for zoology NEET.
  • Self-belief is the component that fuels your preparation journey. Also, it is a must to be focused and determined throughout this process. Furthermore, NEET is not the end process. It is the beginning of a much longer process of acquiring knowledge.

These are some preparation tips to follow in order to ace the NEET biology (zoology) section. Explore similar NEET content, at BYJU’S.

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Strategy to Prepare for NEET 2023
NEET Zoology MCQs
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