Monoecious Plants Notes

Monoecious plants have both male and female reproductive structures on the same plant.

Monoecious is the same as bisexual or homothallic. Monoecious plants have both male and female reproductive parts in the same plant. E.g. ​​cucurbits and coconuts.

Monoecious plants produce both male and female gametes. The male part is called androecium, which consists of stamens and the female part is called gynoecium, which consists of the pistil. Each stamen consists of an anther attached to the filament. A pistil is made up of stigma, style and ovary.

When a flower has both male and female reproductive structures, it is often termed as hermaphrodite or bisexual flower, e.g. tomato, Hibiscus, maize, etc.

When a flower has either male or female reproductive structure, it is called unisexual. Unisexual male flowers are known as staminate and unisexual female flowers are called pistillate. A monoecious plant contains both staminate and pistillate flowers on the same plant.

Plants that have male and female reproductive structures on different plants are known as dioecious or unisexual.

This was in brief about Monoecious Plants. Learn more about other related concepts for NEET, only at BYJU’S.

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