Yeast and Albugo Questions With Answers

Yeasts are the single-celled, eukaryotic entities belonging to the Kingdom Fungi. Through the process of fermentation, yeasts are known to convert carbohydrates into carbon dioxide and alcohols. Albugo, on the other hand, is a species of Oomycete and generally referred to as white rust. These at times are also referred to as fungi.

1. Yeast produces an enzyme complex, which is responsible for fermentation. Which is the enzyme complex?

(a) Zymase

(b) Dehydrogenase

(c) Aldolase

(d) Invertase

Answer: (a)

2. In yeast, the sexual reproduction is by conjugation. After fusion, the zygotic nucleus divides meiotically and forms haploid spores. The unicellular structure with haploid spores is

(a) Gametangium

(b) Zoosporangium

(c) Sporangium

(d) Ascus

Answer: (d)

3. The rising of dough is due to

(a) sulphur dioxide

(b) hydrogen

(c) carbon dioxide

(d) oxygen

Answer: (c)

4. In manufacture of bread, it becomes porous due to the liberation of CO2 by the action of

(a) Yeast

(b) Virus

(c) Protozoans

(d) Bacteria

Answer: (a)

5. The food reserve in Albugo usually is

(a) Fat

(b) Protein granules

(c) Glycogen

(d) Volutin granules

Answer: (c)

6. This statement on Albugo is incorrect

(a) Non-flagellated female gametes

(b) Biflagellated zoospores

(c) Biflagellated male gametes

(d) All of these

Answer: (c)

7. The species causing white rust of cruciferae has a botanical name, it is

(a) Pythium debaryanum

(b) Peronospora parasitica

(c) Albugo candida

(d) Puccinia graminis

Answer: (c)

8. Yeast is not included in protozoans but in fungi because

(a) it has eukaryotic organization

(b) cell wall is made up of cellulose and reserve food material as starch

(c) Some fungal hyphae grow in such a way that they give the appearance of pseudomycelium

(d) it has no chlorophyll

Answer: (a)

9. This is used in the preparation of alcohol

(a) Saccharomyces

(b) Acetobacter

(c) Lactobacillus

(d) Penicillium

Answer: (a)

10. Fungus without mycelium is

(a) Agaricus

(b) Albugo

(c) Puccinia

(d) Saccharomyces

Answer: (d)

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