Difference between Violet and Purple

Understanding the difference between violet and purple is the first step in understanding the true range of the colour spectrum. Violet and purple are two different colours that are taught to kids from the very beginning. However, there are a few key differences that one must know about these colours as they can help one identify the difference in colours between one and the other. In this session, let us learn the difference between violet and purple.

Table of Contents:

What Is the Major Difference between Violet and Purple?

The key difference in understanding these two colours is that violet is an actual colour that is noticeable in nature due to its presence in the electromagnetic spectrum. The range of colour violet has a wavelength that ranges from 380 nm to 450 nm.

Purple is an unnatural mixture of red and blue that leads to its creation. Violet on the other can be produced with the help of a prism when white light passes through it causing it to split into colours. Understanding dispersion in a glass prism can be beneficial in understanding the differences between the two colours.

Difference between Violet and Purple

Violet is a spectral colour occurring in our visible spectrum Purple is not a spectral colour
It is a natural colour that is observable in nature It is a man-made colour made by a combination of 2 colours
Violet was understood as a fundamental colour in Newton’s colour wheel Purple was not accepted by Newton in his colour wheel
Violet contains a single shade Purple has numerous shades to it
Violet is not as distinct as purple Purple has a very bold and distinct colour

See the video below to know why the sky changes colour at sunset


Did You Know?

  • Fear of the colour purple is known as Porphyrophobia.
  • Purple Day is celebrated on March 26th to raise awareness for epilepsy.
  • Violet eyes or purple eyes can be seen in a few people.

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    Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


    What is the wavelength of violet colour?

    Violet has a wavelength that ranges from 380 nm to 450 nm.


    State true or false: Violet is a man-made colour.

    FALSE. Violet is not a man-made colour. Violet is a natural colour that is observable in nature.


    How many shades does violet colour contain?

    The violet colour contains a single shade.

    Which colour among the following has a bold and distinct colour. Violet or purple?

    Purple has a very bold and distinct colour.

    In Newton’s colour wheel, which colour is understood as a fundamental colour, violet or purple.

    Violet was understood as a fundamental colour in Newton’s colour wheel.

    If you liked this article, visit BYJU’S to learn more physics concepts with the help of interactive video lessons.

    Test your knowledge on Violet and purple differences


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