Laplace Correction

Often, we hear sound when talking to people, listening to music, playing musical instruments, etc. Have you wondered how fast sound can travel and how we calculate its speed theoretically? In this article, let us find answers to all these questions.

The velocity of sound is given by

and has an experimental value of 332 m/s.

Table of Contents:

Newtons formula for the speed of sound

Newton worked on the propagation of sound waves through the air. He assumed that this process of propagation is isothermal. Absorption and release of heat during compression and rarefaction will be balanced. Thus, the temperature remains constant throughout the process.

According to Boyle’s law

PV = Constant


P is pressure

V is the volume of gas.

On differentiating above equation we get-


⇒ PdV = -VdP


⇒ P = B


is bulk modulus of air.

The velocity of the sound wave can be written as –


Thus substituting B =P we get-


Speed of sound in air

At Normal Temperature and Pressure, the velocity of sound in air is given by –


Where atmospheric pressure P = 1.1013×105 N/m2

The density of air (𝜌)= 1.293 kg/m3


The value got here does not match with the experimental value. That is 332 m/s. Which implies that some correction should be done to Newton’s equation.

Laplace Correction for Newton’s Formula

He corrected Newton’s formula by assuming that, there is no heat exchange takes place as the compression and rarefaction takes place very fast. Thus, the temperature does not remain constant and the propagation of the sound wave in air is an adiabatic process.

For an adiabatic process

PV𝛾 = Constant


𝛾 is adiabatic index


Cp specific heat for constant pressure

Cv specific heat for a constant volume.

Differentiating both the sides we get-


Dividing both the sides by V𝛾-1


The velocity of sound is given by


Substituting B= 𝛾P in above equation we get-

Velocity of sound formula


Velocity of sound

Calculate the velocity of sound wave using Laplace correction to Newton’s formula at Normal Temperature and Pressure.

The velocity of the sound formula is given by-



Adiabatic index 𝛾 – 1.4

Where atmospheric pressure P = 1.1013×105 N/m2

The density of air (𝜌)= 1.293 kg/m3

Substituting the values in the equation we get-


Which has a very good match with the experimental value

Physics Related Topics:

Bulk modulus
Adiabatic Process
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Wave Speed Motion

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What is Laplace correction?

Laplace Correction gives correction to the speed of sound in the gas. The formula for the speed of sound in the gaseous medium was estimated by Newton, he assumed that the propagation of sound waves in air or gas is under isothermal conditions.

What is the sound?

Sound is a vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave through a transmission medium such as a gas, liquid or solid.

Define echo.

Echo is a reflection of sound that arrives at the listener with a delay after the direct sound.

Which property of sound is affected by change in temperature?

The wavelength of the sound is affected by the change in temperature.

What waves are used in sonography?

Ultrasonic Waves are used in Sonography.
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