Renewable Energy Questions

The energy produced from natural processes and continuously refilled is known as renewable energy. Sunlight, water, wind, geothermal heat, and biomass are a few examples of renewable energy.

According to some reports, global energy consumption by using renewable energy resources has been growing exponentially in the past few years. Since these resources will help maintain sustainable development, several countries have started to invest in these renewable energy resources. Some major sectors of renewable energy sources are biofuel, solar power, wind, and hydroelectricity.

Some examples of renewable energy sources are:

  • Wind energy
  • Solar energy
  • Geothermal energy
  • Hydropower

Renewable energy sources can easily be renewed and sustained for a longer period. Some sustainable sources are nuclear power, geothermal, biomass wind energy, solar power, etc.

The sources of renewable energy are less polluting. Since carbon plays a major role in developing new factories and industries, the world is looking forward to new carbon emission norms.

Important Questions on Renewable Energy

1) Which among the following is the main drawback of renewable energy?

a) Pollution

b) Accessible only in a few places

c) High maintenance cost

d) Unreliable supply

Correct Option: (d)

Explanation: Renewable energy frequently depends on the weather for its sources of power. Like, rain is required to fill the dams with a hydro generator and thus provide electricity. To turn the blades of the wind turbines, the wind is required.

2) In a Solar cell, which of the following effects is responsible for converting light energy into electrical energy?

a) Physical effect

b) Atmospheric effect

c) Magnetic effect

d) Photovoltaic effect

Correct Option: (d)

Explanation: When a photovoltaic cell is exposed to sunlight, a photovoltaic effect occurs that generates a voltage or electric current by converting light energy into electrical energy.

3) Wood is a renewable resource.

a) True

b) False

Correct Option: (a)

Explanation: Since trees can be replanted and grown to maturity in place of those that are cut down, wood is a renewable resource. Rainforests take thousands of years to re-grow; hence, they are said to be non-renewable.

4) For the production of power throughout the year in a hydroelectric power plant, which among the following is the most necessary entity?

a) Dams full of water

b) Large quantity of air

c) Highly concentrated sunlight

d) Nuclear power

Correct Option: (a)

Explanation: Since the dam feeds water directly to the turbines, which are retained in a power station, it is necessary to keep the reservoir water at a higher level than the turbines.

5) The main composition of biogas is?

a) Hydrogen

b) Nitrogen

c) Carbon dioxide

d) Methane

Correct Option: (d)

Explanation: Biogas is known as an environmentally-friendly energy source since it is one of the types of biofuel that is produced from the decomposition of organic waste. It also converts organic waste into energy. The composition of biogas includes: Carbon dioxide 25-50%, Methane 50-75% , Nitrogen 0-10%, Hydrogen 0-1%.

6) Which among the following statements is false about renewable energy?

a) Renewable energy does not cause pollution

b) Transportation of renewable energy is difficult

c) Renewable energy causes ecological imbalance

d) Renewable energy has a low gestation period

Correct Option: (c)

Explanation: Renewable energy sources do not cause ecological imbalance. On the other hand, non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels disturb the ecological balance due to the emission of greenhouse gases.

7) The classification of energy sources, based on usability, will be ________.

a) Primary, secondary resources

b) Primary, secondary, tertiary resources

c) Primary, intermediate and secondary resources

d) Primary, secondary, intermediate and tertiary resources

Correct Option: (c)

Explanation: Energy resources are classified into primary, intermediate and secondary resources based on usability. Before human interference or alteration, primary resources are already present in nature. After one or more stages of transformation, intermediate resources are obtained from primary resources. At the same time, the form of energy that is finally supplied to the consumer for utilisation is called secondary resource.

8) Which of the following energy resources have been used for many decades?

a) Fuel cells

b) Primary energy sources

c) Non-conventional energy sources

d) Conventional energy sources

Correct Option: (d)

Explanation: Conventional sources of energy like coal, petroleum, firewood, etc., have been used conventionally for a long time. On the other hand, non-conventional sources are comparatively new in consumption.

9) Which of the following energy sources provide energy in a dilute form?

a) Renewable

b) Nuclear energy source

c) Conventional energy source

d) Non-renewable

Correct Option: (a)

Explanation: Renewable Energy sources are not available constantly because they are generally variable and dilute. A large land area is required to concentrate the energy since the efficiency of converting these energy sources is low.

10) As compared to the traditional generators, renewable energy plants require _____.

a) Less fuel

b) More Uranium

c) Less maintenance

d) Higher operating cost

Correct Option: (c)

Explanation: Compared to traditional fossil fuel generators, renewable energy plants require very fewer operating costs. Therefore, after installation, renewable energy plants require very less maintenance. For operations, a very negligible amount of fuel is required by them.

Practice Questions

1) Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable energy.

2) What are the different types of renewable energy?

3) What are the benefits of renewable energy?

4) Give some examples of renewable energy sources.

5) What is geothermal energy?

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