Unit of Frequency

Frequency refers to the number of complete occurrences per unit time. It basically describes the number of waves that pass a fixed area at a certain point in time. Besides, frequency mainly involves cyclical processes like oscillations, rotation, or waves. It is usually denoted by the Latin letter f or by the Greek letter ν (nu). Now that we have got a slight idea about this topic, let’s look at some units of the frequency.

SI Unit of Frequency

Talking about the SI unit of frequency, it is mostly measured using hertz (Hz). The term has been kept in honour of popular German physicist Heinrich Hertz. Generally, when we say one hertz it means that an event reoccurs once per second. For instance, if a display has a refresh rate of 1 hertz then the screen will refresh the picture once a second.

If we look back at history, the traditional unit of measure used was revolutions per minute which were abbreviated as r/min or rpm. One hertz is equal to 60 rpm.

Other Common Frequency Units

Some common frequency units that are also used include megahertz, gigahertz, terahertz, beats per minute, frames per second, rounds per second, calls per second, times per second, etc.

SI Unit of Frequency

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Watch the video and understand the relationship between frequency and wavelength.

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