RD Sharma Solutions for Class 6 to 12

RD Sharma Maths Solutions Chapter-wise Free PDFs Download Updated for (2023-24)

RD Sharma Solutions are the best study resources a student can get in order to score high marks in the Maths examination. The RD Sharma book is a gem for Mathematics lovers. It is one of the best books that provide complete information and knowledge of each and every concept that prepares students to face all kinds of questions, irrespective of their difficulty. RD Sharma Solutions for Classes 6 to 12, provided by BYJU’S, are the best solution manuals available on the internet. The solutions are organised chapter-wise and are further separated on the basis of exercises, making it extremely easy for students to navigate and select any particular topic for which the solution is required.

Here is the complete list of RD Sharma Solutions 2023-2024 editions for Classes 6 to 12. Along with their board exams, these solutions will also help students to score well in highly competitive exams like JEE Main and Advanced.

RD Sharma Solutions PDFs

RD Sharma Class 6 Solutions
RD Sharma Class 7 Solutions
RD Sharma Class 8 Solutions
RD Sharma Class 9 Solutions
RD Sharma Class 10 Solutions
RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions
RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions

The more students practise and solve different types of questions, the faster they can solve difficult questions asked in board and in other competitive exams. Apart from the traditional ways of solving problems, RD Sharma Solutions are focused on learning various Mathematics tricks and shortcuts for quick and easy calculations. These RD Sharma Solutions will change the approach towards Mathematics and will definitely help students realise how interesting and easy the subject is.

The students cannot score well in Mathematics by just reading and memorising the formulae. Practise is an important task to learn and score well in Mathematics. Hence, ample questions, along with their solutions, shortcut techniques, and detailed explanations, are provided to practise any concept. The students are required to go through RD Sharma Solutions thoroughly before the final exams to score well and enhance their problem-solving abilities. RD Sharma Solutions are primarily designed for CBSE students and are based on the latest syllabus, prescribed as per the CCE guidelines by the CBSE Board.

Why Refer to RD Sharma Solutions at BYJU’S?

The RD Sharma Solutions for Maths at BYJU’S has contributed to the advancement of the academic level of students. From advanced principles in the projects to finding programmes in daily lifestyles, RD Sharma Solutions will create deep interest in the subject. Maths will not be a difficult subject anymore if students learn from the CBSE textbooks and solve the exercise-wise problems. The step-wise explanations and diagrams are included in the solutions to provide the students with quality study material which they can rely on. There are about 16 chapters in the Class 10 textbook and 19 chapters in the Class 12 textbook. Students in Classes 10 and 12 are recommended to concentrate on all the chapters equally by keeping in mind the exam pattern designed by the CBSE board.

BYJU’S provides class-wise solutions by keeping in mind the competitive nature of students, and what is better is that we provide the solutions in a freely downloadable PDF format. They are effective study resources that help students during revision and glance at all the topics instantly. In a student’s life, Class 12 is an important stage that clears the path for their career. To make it simple for the students, the experts at BYJU’S draft the RD Sharma Book Solutions in an understandable way.

A few key points of RD Sharma Solutions by BYJU’S

  1. The solutions are designed specially by our experts to provide complete and accurate solutions for each and every question mentioned in the RD Sharma Book.
  2. Easy and quick access to chapter-wise and exercise-wise questions and answers.
  3. The solutions are completely customised and derived in a step-by-step approach for better and easy understanding.
  4. RD Sharma Solutions are also helpful in the preparation of several school-level, graduate, and undergraduate-level competitive exams like NTSE, KVPY, NSO, IMO, CAT, GRE, IIT JEE and more.
  5. These solutions enable the students to have a good grip on basic Mathematical concepts from the very beginning itself.
  6. Diligent practice of Mathematics RD Sharma Solutions helps students to solve any type of problem accurately in the board exam.

RD Sharma Solutions

Method to Find Squares

Area of Circle


Algebraic Expansions


Frequently Asked Questions on RD Sharma

Where will I find RD Sharma Maths Solutions?

RD Sharma questions are meant to be solved by the students themselves. The RD Sharma Solutions can be viewed or downloaded from the BYJU’S website, in case you tend to get stuck at some problems or have a doubt if your answers are correct or not.

Is RD Sharma Textbook a good study material for the JEE Main?

RD Sharma can help students qualify JEE Main exam, but if they want to score good marks, they have to refer to other books as well, the first and foremost being the NCERT textbooks.

How do I solve RD Sharma Textbook questions?

Before attempting the RD Sharma questions, one should make sure that the concepts given in the NCERT textbooks are clear. Moving on to how the RD Sharma problems can be solved, begin with the solved examples given in the book. Once students are done with solving the examples, go ahead and solve the exercise questions given in the book. Students can check if the answers they gave to the questions are correct by comparing them with the RD Sharma Solutions given at BYJU’S.

Is solving RD Sharma enough for the BITSAT?

RD Sharma is considered to be a great book for studying Maths, as it contains all possible types of questions. But to clear a difficult exam like BITSAT, students need to practise more complex MCQs and hence, we cannot say that RD Sharma is sufficient or enough for the BITSAT preparation.

Is RD Sharma the right book for the CBSE Class 12?

The most fundamental study material or reference book for Class 12 is the NCERT textbook. Once students are done with solving the NCERT textbook, the next thing they need is a lot of practice. Solving the questions from RD Sharma Maths Book will provide them with lots of additional practice, which is essential for CBSE Class 12 students.


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