Conjunctions join two equal elements together. They include ‘and,’ ‘but,’ ‘because,’ ‘either/or,’ and ‘nor’. Conjunctions help to convey ideas and information, as well as create comparisons and contrasts between different things. Knowing how to use them will help them get better grades in school. They are also important for writing complex sentences, essential for improving their vocabulary. Conjunctions worksheet plays a vital role in helping students develop their English vocabulary. Learning conjunctions is necessary since they are the glue that holds sentences together, and you can provide the little ones with BYJU’S free printable conjunctions worksheet pdf.

What is a Conjunction?

A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses. We use conjunctions to build sentences and create relationships among the words in the sentence. Some common conjunctions are: and, but, or, and yet. To help children understand this concept better, introduce them to a conjunction worksheet.

Types of Conjunctions

There are two types of conjunctions.

  • Coordinating Conjunctions: Coordinating conjunctions join two parallel words, two parallel phrases or independent clauses (groups of words with a subject and verb) without affecting the grammatical order; they include ‘and,’ ‘but,’ ‘or,’ ‘nor,’ ‘for,’ ‘yet’. To learn more about coordinating conjunctions, click on the coordinating conjunction worksheet.
  • Subordinating Conjunctions: A subordinating conjunction is a word that connects an independent clause to a dependent clause; they include ‘although’, ‘because’, ‘once’, ‘while’, ‘when’, ‘where’ etc. Click on the subordinating conjunctions worksheet to learn the subordinating conjunctions in an easy way.

A Detailed List of Free Conjunction Worksheet for Kids

Learning conjunctions is a significant and necessary part of English Grammar. Students need to know what conjunction does to use them correctly. One of the most common mistakes students make when using conjunctions is putting too many together in one sentence. To help kids avoid this mistake, ask them to practise the conjunction worksheets. The goal of learning a language is to communicate with others in that language. This is achieved by being able to use conjunctions properly in sentences. Learning conjunctions for kids is very important because they will help them create sensible and comprehensive sentences. A child’s mind is constantly absorbing new information, and worksheets help kids practise and learn. Here is a list of conjunction worksheets for kids.

Conjunction Worksheet PdfDownload PDF

Free Conjunction WorksheetDownload PDF

Free Conjunction WorksheetDownload PDF

For more Kids Learning activities similar to Worksheets for Kids, visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is a conjunction?

A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses. We use conjunctions to build sentences and create relationships among the words in the sentence. Some common conjunctions are: and, but, or, and yet.


What is a coordinating conjunction?

Coordinating conjunctions join two parallel words, two parallel phrases or independent clauses (groups of words with a subject and verb) without affecting the grammatical order; they include ‘and,’ ‘but,’ ‘or,’ ‘nor,’ ‘for,’ ‘yet’.


What is a subordinating conjunction?

Subordinating conjunctions add additional information to a sentence; they include ‘although’ and ‘because’.

Related Links

Kinds of Conjunctions Worksheets Verbs Worksheet
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