
What is a node?

Answer: Node is a point where the electron probability is zero. For a given orbital there are two types of nodes. Radial node Angular node... View Article

What are antibiotics?

Answer: Antibiotics are a type of antimicrobial medicine that works by suppressing the growth of bacteria and is used to treat and prevent... View Article

What is neutron?

The existence of the neutron was proposed by Ernest Rutherford in 1920. It was discovered by James Chadwick in 1932, earning him the Nobel Prize... View Article

What are isotopes?

An isotope is any form of a chemical element that has the same number of protons in the nucleus, or the same atomic number, but has a different... View Article

Is light opaque? Explain.

Light is an electromagnetic wave. It has no physical substances for us to see. An opaque object is neither transparent (allowing all light to... View Article