RBI Assistant Cut-off

The RBI Assistant cut off marks are the minimum marks that a candidate has to get to qualify the RBI Assistant exam. In this article, candidates shall know the RBI Assistant cut off marks for the prelims and mains examination.

Latest Update: The Reserve Bank of India has released the RBI Assistant 2019 Mains cut off on June 1, 2021. The mains examination was held on November 22, 2020.

Given below is the category-wise and sectional cut off for the RBI Assistant Mains examination held on November 22, 2020:

Category Reasoning Ability (40) English Language (40) General Awareness (40) Computer Knowledge (40) Numerical Ability (40)
SC/ ST 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00
OBC 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
GEN/ EWS 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00
The sectional cut-off for PwBD/EXS candidates are as per their respective categories
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Also, refer to the links given below and easily score above the RBI Assistant Cut Off marks:

The Reserve Bank of India is the conducting body for the Assistant cadre examination and also the body responsible to release the RBI Assistant cut off. The notification for RBI Assistant recruitment 2021 is yet to be released and for applicants appearing for the upcoming RBI exam, the previous year cut off can be of great help.

To score more in the Assistant examination conducted by RBI, it is important that a candidate has clarity over the RBI Assistant Syllabus and exam pattern and only then can they follow a strategized study plan for preparation.

To know more about RBI exams, candidates can visit the linked article.

The result for the RBI Assistant Prelims exam which was conducted on February 14 & 15, 2020 was released on March 3, 2020, and the marksheet for the same was released on March 16, 2020.

Most students like to learn about the RBI Assistant cut-off marks even before they start preparing for the exam. While it is good to have an idea about the required cut-off marks, paying too much attention to the same can be seriously damaging to your performance.

The best way to prepare for any exam is to develop a thorough understanding of its various nuances. Devote your complete attention to each and every aspect of the exam. Learn about each topic in a thorough manner and stay consistent in your efforts.

Candidates can know more about the RBI Grade B exam at the linked article.

Do not limit yourself by thinking you are good enough to reach only up to a certain extent. Aim for excellence and as a byproduct, you’ll automatically land up at a decent score, which will be good enough to take you to the next phase of the exam.

So, before you start your prep for the RBI Assistant exam, the ideal thing will be to first learn about important facts related to this exam and then plan your preparation accordingly.

Remember that there will be negative marking in this exam. 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer given by the candidate. But no marks will be deducted for the question that is not attempted by the candidate.

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How To Check the RBI Assistant Cut Off?

Given below are the set of steps that a candidate can follow to check the RBI Assistant Cut Off:

Step 1: Visit the official website of RBI (https://www.rbi.org.in/)

Step 2: At the bottom of the homepage, click on the “Opportunities@RBI” option

Ste 3: Then click on the “Current Vacancies” option, followed by the “Results” option. A set of notifications appear on the screen

Step 4: Click on the RBI Assistant marks/cut off link

Step 4: Enter your roll number/ registration number and password/date of birth. The cut off marks are displayed on the screen

Checking the RBI Assistant cut off will help candidates analyse and understand the trend change in the cut off over the past few years and prepare themselves accordingly for the upcoming Assistant exams.

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2020

The RBI Assistant exam is equivalent to the clerical cadre exam in the other Public Sector Banks. But a job in RBI, the Central Bank of the country, is every Aspirant’s dream. Hence, over the past few years the number of applicants have massively increased and so has the competition.

The RBI Assistant exam is conducted in three stages:

  1. Prelims Exam
  2. Mains Exam
  3. Language Proficiency Test

Only once a candidate qualifies the RBI Assistant prelims, he/she is called for the Mains examination. Those who qualify the Mains are invited for the Language Proficiency Test (LPT).

Given below is the overall category-wise RBI Assistant cut off 2020 for the prelims examination for the paper conducted on February 14 & 15:

RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2020 – Section-wise 
English 9.00 10.00 11.00
Reasoning Ability 10.00 11.00 12.00
Numerical Ability 10.00 12.00 13.00

The table given below mentions the RBI Assistant Prelims Zone/State Wise Cut Off 2020:

RBI Assistant Prelims Zone-wise Cut Off 2020
RBI Zone Name SC ST OBC EWS General
Ahmedabad 90.25 79.00 89.50 91.00 92.75
Bengaluru 81.75 89.75 89.00 92.25
Bhopal 86.00 80.50 92.50 92.75 94.75
Bhubaneswar 85.75 81.25 94.75 93.75 95.75
Chandigarh 89.50 93.50 95.00 96.75
Chennai 88.00 92.75 87.00 94.00
Guwahati 83.50 77.75 86.25 83.75 89.50
Hyderabad 92.00 88.00 94.75 94.75 96.25
Jaipur 86.75 85.25 93.25 93.75 95.75
Jammu 79.50 87.00 89.00 94.25
Kanpur & Lucknow 87.00 92.25 94.25 96.00
Kolkata 92.25 92.00 96.25
Mumbai 84.00 71.50 84.25 81.75 87.75
Nagpur 88.00 77.50 88.75 90.50
New Delhi 89.00 92.75 93.50 96.25
Patna 85.75 93.75 94.00 95.75
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 87.00 95.00 89.75 96.25

Candidates who are willing to appear for the upcoming RBI Assistant exam can check the RBI Assistant Notification at the linked article.

For any further information regarding the RBI Assistant result, candidates can refer to the linked article.

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RBI Assistant Cut Off 2017

The RBI Assistant cut off is based on the number of applicants and the performance and difficulty level of the exam. This RBI Assistant cut off may increase or decrease with years based on the above-mentioned criteria.

To know the detailed RBI Assistant salary structure candidates can visit the linked article.

The last recruitment for RBI Assistant was conducted in the year 2017. Given below is the RBI Assistant prelims cut off 2017 for the reference of candidates appearing for the 2021 recruitment:

RBI Assistant Prelims Cut off 2017
Ahmedabad 69.75 74.00 80.00
Bengaluru 68.75 68.25 74.75 77.75
Bhopal 78.00 63.75 83.25
Bhubaneswar 71.25 68.50 82.25 84.50
Chandigarh 77.00 70.25 81.75 87.50
Chennai 76.00 81.75 83.50
Guwahati 71.00 63.75 73.50 77.25
Hyderabad 80.50 74.50 84.25 87.00
Jaipur 74.50 67.50 81.75 85.75
Jammu 70.25 56.25 72.25 80.00
Kanpur & Lucknow 72.75 64.25 78.50 85.00
Kolkata 74.50 78.50 86.50
Mumbai 70.00 56.50 68.25 74.25
Nagpur 54.00 75.75 80.00
New Delhi 74.75 79.25 85.75
Patna 69.75 72.50 86.25
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 76 84.25 87.25

Given below is the RBI Assistant cut off for Mains Exam 2017 for the reference of candidates:

RBI Assistant Cut Off for Mains Exam 2017
Ahmedabad 112 NV 79.75 95.50
Bengaluru 113 93.50 94.00 96.75 121.75
Bhopal 122.75 101.00 84.75 112.25 113.75


116.50 88.75 79.75 NV
Chandigarh 127.00 96.00 NV 107.75
Chennai 123.75 103.00 NV 117.00 119.75
Guwahati 107.25 94.25 74.50 119.50
Hyderabad 126.00 107.25 108.00 115.75
Jaipur 124.50 98.75 94.50 113.75
Jammu 116.50 96.50 104.00
Kanpur & Lucknow 119.00 97.00 97.00 101.50 119.75
Kolkata 126.00 91.50 NV 107.00
Mumbai 111.50 97.00 73.00 105.25 115.50
Nagpur 107.00 NV NV 103.25
New Delhi 128.25 108.50 113.25 128.00
Patna 116.50 90.25 100.75 104.50

& Kochi

128.75 97.25 NV 119.00 131.00

Candidates can check the RBI Grade B result and related details at the linked article.

Related Links:

RBI Assistant Eligibility RBI Grade B Exam RBI Exam Pattern
RBI Syllabus RBI Recruitment RBI Grade B Books
RBI Assistant Admit Card RBI Assistant Apply Online RBI Vacancy

The syllabus for almost every bank exam is the same. Candidates preparing for other bank exams can know the detailed bank exam syllabus at the linked article and prepare themselves accordingly.

This information will be enough for you to set the ball rolling with regards to the RBI Assistant exam preparation. Make sure that you pay equal attention to each topic and take regular mock tests to keep track of your preparation.

While analyzing the mock tests you can keep an eye on the RBI Assistant previous year cut off marks, to make sure that your preparation is headed in the right direction. Go through the comprehensive content provided by BYJU’S and pass this exam with flying colours.

Frequently Asked Questions for RBI Assistant Cut Off


Q 1. Does RBI have a sectional cut off for Assistant exam?

Ans. Yes, RBI releases both sectional and overall cut off for Prelims and Mains phase of examination.

Q 2. What if a candidate does not qualify the cut off for one section but attains the overall cut off marks?

Ans. For any candidate to move forward to the next phase of examination, it is important that he/she attains the minimum qualifying marks in all the section and also score above or equal to the overall cut off marks.

Q 3. How to check the RBI Assistant Cut Off?

Ans. Given below are the steps to follow the RBI Assistant cut off marks:

  • Visit the official RBI website
  • Check for Current Vacancies under the Opportunities@RBI option
  • Click on RBI Assistant cut off links
  • Enter login credentials
  • Candidate’s marks and cut off is displayed on the screen

Q 4. Is RBI Assistant cut off same for all categories?

Ans. No, separate cut off is released for candidates belonging to different categories. This implies for both sectional and overall cut off.

Q 5. How many vacancies have been released for the RBI Assistant exam 2021?

Ans. RBI is yet to release vacancies for the RBI Assistant 2021 examination.

Q 6. What factors need to be kept in consideration to declare the RBI Assistant cut off?

Ans. The RBI Assistant cut off depends upon various factors:

  • Number of vacancies
  • Number of Applicants
  • Level of Examination
  • Previous Year Cut Off


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