Both budding and grafting are two different, significant processes used for the production of new plants. This type of plant breeding refers to vegetative propagation.

Vegetative propagation refers to an asexual mode of reproduction in plants, which is mainly produced by the vegetative parts of older plants, and these include roots, stems and leaves. This type of asexual reproduction in plants has several benefits, both biological and genetic.

Both budding and grafting techniques help in increasing the productivity of certain horticultural crops. In this process of horticulture techniques, selected plants are of closely related species, giving rise to new disease-free and healthy plants that are able to tolerate drought.

Explore more: Vegetative propagation

What is Budding?


Budding is a technique whereby small buds are collected from one plant and grown on another. There are several methods followed in the process of budding, which include: T and I method of budding, patch budding, forkert budding, ring budding, etc.

Examples of plants produced by budding techniques include cherry, citrus fruits, ornamental plants, peach, apple, plums and nut trees.

Explore more: Budding in Hydra and Yeast.

What is Grafting?


Grafting is a technique practised by cutting, joining the parts of two different plants and rooting in the ground. After some days, the tissues of the graft become integrated with the tissues of the rooted plant and develop as a single plant over time. Here, in this horticultural technique, the different parts of plants are used for producing new plants. There are several methods followed in the process of grafting, which include – bark grafting, cleft grafting, saddle grafting, side veneer grafting and splice grafting.

Examples of plants produced by grafting techniques include white spruce, cucumber, eggplant, tomato, watermelon and other non-woody plants.

Also Refer: Plant Tissue Culture

Let’s learn the differences between budding and grafting.

Budding and Grafting – Comparisons

In this technique, a bud from one plant is inserted into another plant. In this technique, a part of a stem from one plant is inserted into another plant.
History / Evolution
It is a newly emerging horticultural technique. It is an ancient method that is still practised.
Type of Plant Production
Budding is a grafting technique. Grafting is a vegetative method of propagation.
A detached living portion of a plant is a bud. A detached living portion of a plant is a stem.
Size of the Scion
Smaller in size compared to grafting. Larger in size compared to budding.
Active Season of Growth
This technique is performed in early spring or during the growing season of the stock. This technique is performed during the period of early spring and during the winter season.
Mode of Insertion
A bud of a plant is inserted into the rootstock. A stem of a plant is inserted into the rootstock.
Requires less expertise in handling the budding technique. Requires more expertise and technical skills in handling the grafting technique.
Time Consumption
Requires less time. Requires more time.
Mainly used for growing fruits, nuts and ornamental trees. Mainly used for increasing the quality of the leaves, flowers and fruits.

Also refer: Difference Between Corm and Bulb

This article concludes the introduction to budding and grafting and their differences.

Stay tuned to BYJU’S Biology to learn more in detail about vegetative propagation, their types, processes, and also more similarities and differences between budding and grafting.


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