Online test series UPSC

The UPSC civil services exam has a reputation of being so unpredictable that nothing can be left to chance here. For serious aspirants, no stone can be left unturned in their IAS exam preparation. The first step in getting closer to the lofty IAS dream is clearing the UPSC prelims exam. The 2018 UPSC prelims exam is scheduled to be held on 3rd June 2018. Although less rigorous than the IAS mains exam, the prelims is no less difficult and challenging. In fact, the competition is highest in this stage with close to 5 lakh candidates taking a shot at the exam at this level on an average. But with dedicated and guided preparation, candidates can crack the prelims exam. Perhaps the most important element in the IAS prelims preparation is to have mock test practice. And what better way to have test practice than through the all-encompassing BYJU’S IAS Prelims Test Series 2018.

Read more about the 2018 BYJU’S IAS Prelims Test Series here.

It is not enough if you merely enrol for a test series and take the tests. There is a way to ensure that you get the maximum benefit of taking those tests. Here’s how.


Before taking the tests:

Before you take the tests, of course you will prepare. But make sure that you align your preparation as per the needs of the tests. This will help you perform better no doubt, but it will also help you avoid unnecessary demotivation. You should not expect to score super-high marks (it is okay if you do score!) in the first place itself, especially if you are a beginner. It takes a while to get into the ‘test zone’ and to get used to timing your answering. So, it is important that you at least study 75% of the portions that are covered in the given test.


While taking the tests:

While you take the tests, consider them as the actual exams. Imagine you are taking the exam sitting in the exam hall on the D-day. This will ensure real test simulation and provide the much-needed calming during the actual exam. The knowledge of ‘been there done that’ goes a long way in easing a new and high-stakes situation.


After taking the tests:

The most important aspect of a test series comes now. Once you have taken a test, don’t be happy (or sad) with the marks obtained and leave it at there. Analyse your performance thoroughly. Go through each and every question and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Write down the topic areas where you have fared below your expectations. Understand the correct answers that you missed out. Write down what you would have done better, and prepare to implement this for the subsequent tests. Make sure that with every test that you take, your confidence improves and your speed increases.

Enrol for the best test series for UPSC:

BYJU’S IAS Prelims Test Series 2018 Now!


Also See | How to defeat negative marking in the UPSC Prelims Exam.

Visit BYJU’S Website for  strategy and articles on free IAS prep and all the latest on UPSC IAS exam.


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