UPSC Exam Preparation: Gist of Yojana 2015 issue.
IAS Aspirants’ can find the list of yojana editions of individual month and topics of the entire year as published by the Government of India and also download the Yojana 2015 and 2016 editions PDF.
Yojana 2015 October: Skill development : Scaling new heights
Yojana 2015 September: Smart cities Transforming urban landscape
Yojana 2015 August: Inclusive Growth and Social Change Inclusion through skill development Financial Inclusion Inclusion through technology Economic growth and social development:Addressing the divergences Inclusion of MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Employment and Inclusive Growth in India:Emerging Pattern a Perspectives Making Agriculture a Tool of Inclusive Growth
Also, download Yojana Magazines 2015 from the below given link.
Also, click here to download Yojan 2016 Issue PDFs