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Difference between JavaScript and JQuery

Both of these are useful in programming, but there is a primary difference between JavaScript and JQuery. JavaScript, on the one hand, is a scripting language used in programming. It is dynamic and helps in web development. But it is more complex since the programmer has to write the complete JavaScript code in a program. JQuery, on the other hand, is a JavaScript library. It is comparatively less complex- since a programmer only has to write the important JQuery code.

In this article, we will dive deeper into the difference between JavaScript and JQuery. Read ahead to know more.

What is JavaScript?

It is a scripting language used by programmers to make their websites more interactive and responsive. Along with CSS and HTML, JavaScript (commonly abbreviated as JS) is one of the most important resources used for creating web pages. CSS and HTML are used to design and decorate web pages. But JS helps us create a more dynamic web page. We can say that it breathes life into the pages.

JS is a major client-side language, but it isn’t confined to web development alone. We can also use JS in various server and desktop programs (the most common example here is Node.JS). A few databases also make use of JS, such as CouchDB and MongoDB.

Whenever any browser parses the web pages, then its primary responsibility is the creation of a tree-structure presentation in the memory.

What is JQuery?

It is a JS framework that is developed from JavaScript. JQuery is a very popular JS library. It is free, fast, rich-featured, concise, open-source, and has cross-browser compatibility. John Resign invented it, and it was released at BarCamp NYC back in January 2006.

The reason why JQuery was developed was to make the programmers’ lives easier. It acts as a feature-rich library that provides better client-side services. This way, JavaScript can be used effectively for creating browser-based apps and websites.

Here are a few features that JQuery offers:

  • Manipulation of DOM: We can easily traverse and modify the DOM elements.
  • Built-in features for animations in an app or a website.
  • Event handling in HTML and manipulation.
  • CSS manipulation.
  • It is only 19kb in size. Very lightweight to operate on and work with.
  • It consists of a very high-level widget library for UI.

Difference between JavaScript and JQuery

Let us talk about the differences between JavaScript and JQuery.

Parameters JavaScript JQuery
Basics JS is a programming language. It is a scripting language that is dynamic and helps in web development. It is a JS library.
Complexity It is more complex since the programmer has to write the complete JavaScript code in a program. It is comparatively less complex. A programmer only has to write the important JQuery code.
Consumption of Time Since one has to write the whole script, it consumes much more time. It consumes comparatively much less time since it makes programming easy and fast.
Multi-Browser Compatibility To handle multi-browser compatibility, a developer has to develop code of their own. One doesn’t need to focus on their app’s issue with compatibility on multiple browsers. This feature comes as a prerequisite.
Browser Support Every browser supports JavaScript. We don’t need to include any additional plugins to make JS work. We have to include the JQuery library’s URL in the page’s header so that JQuery works.
Inter-Dependency JQuery forms a part of JS. The JS code does not necessarily depend on JQuery. JQuery always depends on JS- since it is a JavaScript library.
Lines of Code The code can be long and complicated. It takes time to program using JavaScript. It consists of very few lines of code; it is easy to operate and work with.
Uses It is a very crucial programming language used for web designing and programming desktop programs and servers. It optimises the working of the JavaScript language. We can make all apps and websites more interactive, fast, and efficient while still decreasing the complexity of development.
Type of Approach It is a very weakly typed approach used in programming. It is a fast, simple, and easy approach used in programming.
DOM It is very slow for the creation of DOM. It is capable of creating DOM much faster.

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