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Difference Between Structure and Array in C

Both the Structure and Array in C serve as containers for data types. It means that a user can easily store data in both Array and Structure. Then they can also perform various operations on them. In this article, we will discuss the difference between Structure and Array in C. But let us first know a bit more about them both.

One major difference between both of them is that- in an Array, the elements are of the same data type while a structure has elements of different data types. You can also define an Array’s size during the declaration and write it in numbers within a square bracket preceded by the name of the array.

Structure in C – It is a user-defined type of data in C and C++ languages. It creates a collection of data types. One can use a structure for grouping items of possibly varied types into a single one.

Array in C – It is a collection of varied items that get stored at contiguous memory locations.

A few more differences between both of them are in the comparison chart below:

Difference Between Structure and Array in C

Parameter Structure in C Array in C
Definition It is a type of data structure in the form of a container that holds variables of different types. It is a type of data structure that works as a container to hold variables of the very same type. Array does not support variables of multiple data types.
Allocation of Memory In a structure, the memory allocation for the input data doesn’t require being in consecutive memory locations. The array stores the input data in a memory allocation of contiguous type. It means that the array stores its data in a type of memory model where the memory blocks hold consecutive addresses (it assigns memory blocks consecutively).
Accessibility For a user to access the elements present in a structure, they require the name of that particular element (it is mandatory for retrieval). On the other hand, any user can easily access the elements by index in an array’s case.
Pointer A structure holds no concept of internal Pointer. An array, on the other hand, implements Pointer internally. It always points at the very first element present in the array.
Instantiation One can create an object from the structure after a later declaration in its program. An array does not allow the creation of an object after the declaration.
Types of Data Type Variables A structure includes multiple forms of data-type variables in the form of input. A user cannot have multiple forms of data-type variables in an array because it supports only the same form of data-type variables.
Performance A structure becomes very slow in performance due to the presence of multiple data-types. The process of searching and accessing elements becomes very slow in these. The process of searching and accessing elements is much faster in the case of an array due to the absence of multiple data-type variables. It is, thus, better and faster in performance.
Syntax struct sructure_name{

element type 1;

element type 2;



} variable no.1, variable no.2, . .;

type name_of_array [size]
Bit Field You can define a Bit field in a structure. You cannot define a Bit field in an array.
Access You can access the Structure elements by their names. You can access the Array elements by their index numbers.
Operators The element accessing operator for a structure is a dot operator “. The element accessing operator and declaration for an array is a square bracket [ ]
Size The various elements in a structure are of different sizes each. The array contains various elements of the same size.
Keyword We use the keyword “struct” to define a structure. No keyword is present to declare an array.
User-defined The structure is a user-defined form of data type. An array isn’t user-defined. It is declared directly.

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