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What are 10 possible causes of climate change?

The 10 possible causes of climate change are as follows:

  1. Emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
  2. Deforestation for human settlements
  3. The melting of permafrost releases tons of trapped greenhouse gases which further speeds up the melting of more permafrost
  4. Overutilization and exploitation of natural resources
  5. Pollution caused by human activities
  6. Changes in solar output which is associated with sunspot activities
  7. The aerosols that reach the atmosphere after volcanic eruptions
  8. Industrial farming and ranching releases huge levels of methane and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
  9. Increasing livestock farming
  10. Fertilizers containing nitrogen produce nitrous oxide emissions which are harmful for the atmosphere

Further Reading:

Related Links
Environment and Ecology Notes for UPSC Environment and Ecology Questions UPSC Mains GS-3
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