Factors of 23

The factors of 23 are the numbers that divide the original number uniformly. When two numbers on multiplication give the actual number, they are called pair factors.

The factors of 23 are 1 and 23.

Since 23 is a prime number, therefore, it has only two factors. Factor pairs of the number 23 are the natural numbers but not a fraction or decimal number.

How to Find the Factors of 23?

To find the factors of a number, 23, we will use the factorization method.

In the factorization method, first, consider the numbers 1 and 23 as factors of 23 and continue with finding the other pair of multiples of 23, which gives the results as an original number. 

Go through the following steps to find factors of 23.

  • First, write the number 23.
  • Find the two numbers, which results in 23 under the multiplication, say 1 and 23, such that 1 × 23 = 23.
  • We know that 1 and 23 are the prime numbers that have only two factors, i.e., one and the number itself and cannot further factorize it.

The factors of 23 = 23 × 1

  • Therefore, the factorization of 23 is written as 23 = 23 × 1
Factors of 23
1 and 23

Pair Factors of 23

To find the pair factors of 23, multiply the two numbers to get the original number as 23. We can write both positive and negative integers in pairs as shown below:

Positive pairs Negative pairs
1 × 23 = 23; (1, 23) (-1) × (-23) = 23; (-1, -23)
23 × 1 = 23; (23, 1) (-23) × (-1) = 23; (-23, -1)

Therefore, the positive pair factors of 23 are (1, 23) and (23, 1)

The negative pair factors of 23 are (-1, -23) and (-23, -1).

Prime Factors of 23

Generally, we use the prime factorization method, to find the prime factors of a number. We can write the prime factors of 23 as given below.

23 = 1 × 23

We know that 23 is a prime. We cannot factor it further since the prime numbers do not have factors other than one and the number itself.

Therefore, there are no other prime factors other than 23 itself. 

Video Lesson on Prime Factors

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Frequently Asked Questions on Factors of 23 – FAQs


Does 23 have more than 2 factors?

No, 23 does not have more than 2 factors since it is a prime number. Hence, it has only two factors, i.e. 1 and 23.

Is 23 a prime or composite number?

23 is a prime number since it has only two factors, i.e. 1 and 23.

What are the factors of 23 and 36?

The factors of 23 are 1 and 23.
The factors of 36 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 36.

What are the prime factors for 23?

There is only one prime factor for 23, i.e. the number itself.

Why is number 23 so special?

23 is one of the prime numbers, i.e. the number that can only be divided by itself and one. Twenty three is the lowest prime that consists of consecutive digits.

What number is divisible by 23?

The number which is a multiple of 23 can be exactly divisible by 23.
Quiz on Factors of 23


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