MCQs on Floral Formula For NEET 2023

A floral formula is the numeric representation of different floral structures that constitute a flower. It is used to describe the salient features/characteristics of a flower with the help of certain symbols and signs known as floral symbols. The floral formula is often represented along with a floral diagram.

Floral parts are calyx(K), corolla(C), androecium(A) and gynoecium(G).

1. Tricarpellary, syncarpous gynoecium is found in the flowers of

(a) Liliaceae

(b) Poaceae

(c) Fabaceae

(d) Solanaceae

Answer: (a)

2. Perigynous flowers are found in________.

(a) Rose

(b) China rose

(c) Cucumber

(d) Guava

Answer: (a)

3. Tulip, onion, cucumber, guava, potato, brinjal, mustard, china rose – amongst these, how many have superior ovary?

(a) Six

(b) Five

(c) Four

(d) Three

Answer: (a)

4. Standard petal of a papilionaceous corolla is known as_______.

(a) Carina

(b) Corona

(c) Vexillum

(d) Pappus

Answer: (c)

5. Free-central placentation is found in_______.

(a) Citrus

(b) Brassica

(c) Argemone

(d) Dianthus

Answer: (d)

6. _________ is the large shield-shaped cotyledon, the wheat grain possesses in its embryo

(a) coleoptile

(b) scutellum

(c) coleorhiza

(d) epiblast

Answer: (b)

7. These flowers show radial symmetry______.

(a) Cassia

(b) Pisum

(c) Trifolium

(d) Brassica

Answer: (d)

8. Keel is the characteristics feature of the flower of_______.

(a) tomato

(b) aloe

(c) Indigofera

(d) tulip

Answer: (c)

9. These many plants among Salvia, Sesbania, Mustard, Indigofera, Aloe, Allium, groundnut, turnip, and radish gram possess stamens with diverse lengths in their flowers

(a) six

(b) five

(c) four

(d) three

Answer: (c)

10. floral formula is the floral formula of:

(a) Brassica

(b) Petunia

(c) Sesbania

(d) Allium

Answer: (b)

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