A neutron is a chargeless subatomic particle that is a part of each atomic nucleus except for ordinary hydrogen. It does not possess an electric charge and has a rest mass equivalent to 1.67492749804 × 10−27 kg. It is marginally greater than the mass of a proton, but 1,838.68 times larger than that of an electron. A neutron can be generated in numerous ways and can be represented as an important source of indirectly ionising radiation. Usually, neutrons are categorised based on their energy. A thermal neutron is a type that is in thermal equilibrium with other matter and, in exceptional cases, has Maxwellian velocity distribution. Here, the most likely velocity at 295 K is around 2200 m/sec, relative to an energy level of 0.025 eV.

Neutrons in the energy level 0.5 keV – 10 keV are known as intermediate neutrons. Such neutrons may also be called epithermal or resonance neutrons. A fast neutron is a type of neutron which is in the energy level of 10 keV to 10 MeV. In such an energy range, a neutron interacts with other matter by elastic collisions. Neutrons that possess energies greater than 10 MeV are known as relativistic neutrons. A neutron is made of one up quark and two down quark and is under the category of fermions. It is represented by the symbol n or nº. The neutron’s mass is marginally greater than the proton’s mass. The charge of a neutron is null, which means that the neutron is always electrically neutral. The normal location of neutrons is inside the nucleus.

Neutron Mass Questions and Answers

1) What is a neutron?

A neutron is a neutral subatomic particle that is a part of each atomic nucleus except for normal hydrogen. It does not possess an electric charge.

2) What is the mass of a neutron in kilograms?

The mass of a neutron is 1.67492749804 × 10−27 kg,

3) What is the mass of a neutron in grams?

The mass of a neutron is 1.67492749804 × 10−24 kg.

4) What is the mass of a neutron in amu?

The mass of a neutron is 1.008665 amu.

5) What is the mass of a neutron in MeV?

The mass of a neutron is 939.565 420 52 MeV.

6) The mass of the neutron is marginally _____ than the proton’s mass.

Answer: greater

Explanation: The mass of the neutron is marginally greater than the proton’s mass.

7) What are neutrons made of?

A neutron is made of one up quark and two down quark and is under the category of fermions. It is represented by the symbol n or nº.

8) What are the different types of neutrons?

Thermal neutrons, resonance neutrons, and fast neutrons are the main types of neutrons (based on energy levels). A thermal neutron is a type that is in thermal equilibrium with other matter and, in exceptional cases, has Maxwellian velocity distribution. Here, the most likely velocity at 295 K is around 2200 m/sec, relative to an energy level of 0.025 eV. Neutrons in the energy level 0.5 keV – 10 keV are known as intermediate neutrons. A fast neutron is a type of neutron which is in the energy level of 10 keV to 10 MeV.

9) The neutron’s mass is marginally _____ than the proton’s mass.

Answer: greater

Explanation: The neutron’s mass is marginally greater than the proton’s mass.

10) The charge of a neutron is null, which means that the neutron is always ______ neutral.

Answer: electrically

Explanation: The charge of a neutron is null, which means that the neutron is always electrically neutral.

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Practice Questions

1) What are the main components of an atomic nucleus?

2) What is the mass of a proton?

3) What is the mass of an electron?

4) What is the charge of a neutron?

5) What is the mass difference between a neutron and a proton?

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