A. GS1 Related
B. GS2 Related
1. As complaints mount, CAG starts audit of GST Network
2. Government asks companies to allocate 7% of CSR funds to Swachhta Hi Seva
International Affairs/Bilateral Relations
1. India rejects OIC comment on Kashmir
2. Indus water talks make no headway
C. GS3 Related
Science and Technology
1. Bird malaria in the Himalayan foothills
Internal Security and Defense
1. Scorpene submarines to get Indian AIP modules
D. GS4 Related
E. Prelims Fact
F. UPSC Prelims Practice Questions
G. UPSC Mains Practice Questions 


A. GS1 Related

Nothing here for Today!!!

B. GS2 Related

Category: POLITY

1. As complaints mount, CAG starts audit of GST Network

In news:

  • The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) to audit GST Network’s technical capabilities to assess if it is ready to handle the massive amounts of transactions.
  • Issues to be audited : bandwith capabilities of the network, robustness of the software, security aspects, and the architecture of the entire system.
  • The CAG is empowered under the Constitution to audit various aspects of the GST, and it would have a clear picture by the end of the financial year after taxes are filed through the new system.
  • Complaints: Several traders and tax consultants have been complaining about the cumbersome navigation and the extra work they have to do to meet with GST requirements.

2. Government asks companies to allocate 7% of CSR funds to Swachhta Hi Seva

In news:

  • The government has asked companies to devote a portion of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) funds to Swachhta Hi Seva campaign
  • Government has sent a note to the heads of more than 1.1 million companies, urging them to devote around 7% of their CSR spending on the Swachh Bharat Kosh (SBK) to the Swachhta Hi Seva campaign

Swachhta Hi Seva Campaign

  • The Swachhta Hi Seva campaign will comprise a range of activities including
  • A nationwide drive to mobilize people to participate in shramdaan (voluntary work) on improving sanitation
  • Construction of toilets and making their surroundings free of open defecation

CSR Rules

  • The CSR rules came into effect on 1 April 2014
  • These rules state that companies with a net worth of Rs500 crore or revenue of Rs1,000 crore or net profit of Rs5 crore should spend 2% of their average profit in the last three years on social development-related activities
  • These activities include such as sanitation, education, healthcare and poverty alleviation, among others, which are listed in Schedule VII of the rules


1. India rejects OIC comment on Kashmir

In news:

  • India has rejected Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) statement on Jammu and Kashmir, saying it “contains factually incorrect and misleading references.”
  • India also said the group has no locus standi on India’s internal affairs.
  • India, in its response to the statement made by Pakistan on behalf of OIC, India said J&K is its integral and inseparable part.
  • The Permanent Mission of India at Geneva tweeted: “OIC has no locus standi on our internal affairs. Strongly advise refrain from making such references in future,” the Permanent Mission of India at Geneva tweeted.
Basic Information:

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation:

  • The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation is an international organization founded in 1969, consisting of 57 member states, with a collective population of over 1.6 billion as of 2008.
  • The organisation states that it is “the collective voice of the Muslim world” and works to “safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony”.
  • The OIC has permanent delegations to the United Nations and the European Union. The official languages of the OIC are Arabic, English, and French.

2. Indus water talks make no headway


  • Indus Water Treaty.
  • Second round of discussions between India and Pakistan on the Ratle and Kishanganga hydroelectric projects took place at the World Bank headquarters

In News:

  • World Bank: The latest round of talks between India and Pakistan on the Indus Waters Treaty has ended without any agreement.
  • World Bank said it will continue to work with complete impartiality to resolve the issues in an amicable manner.
  • Islamabad’s objection:
  • Ratle and Kishanganga hydroelectric projects: Islamabad has raised objections.
  • World Banks response:
  • World Bank will continue to work with both countries to resolve the issues in an amicable manner and in line with the Treaty provisions.
  • The World Bank remains committed to act in good faith and with “complete impartiality and transparency” in fulfilling its responsibilities under the Treaty, while continuing to assist the countries
Basic Information:

The Indus Waters Treaty

  • The Indus Waters Treaty is a water-distribution treaty between India and Pakistan, brokered by the World Bank (then the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development).
  • The treaty was signed in Karachi on September 19, 1960 by Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru and President of Pakistan Ayub Khan.
  • According to this agreement, control over the three “eastern” rivers — the Beas, the Ravi and the Sutlej — was given to India, while control over the three “western” rivers — the Indus, the Chenab and the Jhelum — to Pakistan.
  • More controversial, however, were the provisions on how the waters were to be shared. Since Pakistan’s rivers flow through India first, the treaty allowed India to use them for irrigation, transport and power generation, while laying down precise regulations for Indian building projects along the way.
  • The treaty was a result of Pakistani fear that, since the source rivers of the Indus basin were in India, it could potentially create droughts and famines in Pakistan, especially at times of war.

C. GS3 Related


1. Bird malaria in the Himalayan foothills

In news:

  • Bird or avian malaria caused by parasites Plasmodium and Haemoproteus is one of the most common and widespread diseases in birds.
  • Avian malaria leads to decrease in reproductive success, anaemia, changes in body condition and even mortality in extreme cases.
  • Mosquitoes transmit Plasmodium, while biting midges (Culicoides sp.) are responsible for Haemoproteus transmission in birds.
  • Human malaria follows a seasonal pattern in the Himalayan foothills with peak transmission from July to October, where as the avian malaria parasites showed no peak and were found to stay in blood throughout the year


1. Scorpene submarines to get Indian AIP modules

In news:

  • Navy gets ready to induct its first conventional submarine.
  • Decisions has been reached on an expensive and time consuming process to install Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) modules on the six new Scorpene submarines to be inducted over the next few years.
  • It will be installed by the Original Equipment Manufacturer, Naval Group.
  • An AIP module is under development by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
  • Advantages: AIP modules give stealth and extended endurance to diesel-electric submarines by allowing them to stay submerged longer.
  • Key Fact:
  1. The first Scorpene submarine Kulvari has completed all trials and is ready for induction either by this month-end or early next month.
  2. The second submarine Khanderi has begun trials, and is likely to be inducted early next year.

D. GS4 Related

Nothing here for Today!!!



Nothing here for Today!!!


F. Practice Questions for UPSC Prelims Exam

Question 1.	With reference to unique BRICS countries initiatives, consider the
following statements:
  1. BRICS Network University (NU) is an open educational project and does not involve establishment of rigid organizational forms such as a secretariat.
  2. BRICS Think Tanks Council (BTIC) comprises research organizations from BRICS countries including Observer Research Foundation (ORF) from India.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. None


Topic: International Organisations
Level: Moderate


  • Recently at the 5th BRICS Education ministers meeting, Beijing declaration on education was adopted which advocated support for both these organizations.
  • NU is a consortium of the universities, elaborating Master and PhD programmes in different disciplines. It was established in 2015 in BRICS meeting at Moscow.
  • NU follows principles of:
  1. Openness, which enables various universities to join the network respecting national criteria.
  2. Focus on educational programmes that can be supplemented with network research and innovation projects.
  • There is also a BRICS Universities League which is a consortium of leading mesearch universities from BRICS countries
  • The BTTC (established in 2013) comprises the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA) (Brazil), the National Committee for BRICS Research (NRC/8RICS) (Russia), the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) etc.
  • The main purpose of its establishment was to form a platform for the exchange of ideas and present policy recommendations for BRICS leaders. 
Question 2.	Consider the following statements
  1. The eight core industries comprise 60% of the weight of items included in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP).
  2. The current base year of IIP is 2011-2012.
  3. Coal, fertilizer, electricity, pharmaceuticals, natural gas, refinery products, steel, and cement are the eight core industries..

Choose the incorrect statements from the option given below

    1. 1 and 2
    2. 2 and 3
    3. 1 and 3
    4. All are correct


Topic: Economy
Level: Moderate


    • The eight core industries comprise 27% of the weight of items included in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP).
    • The current base year is 2011-2012
    • Eight core industries: Coal, fertilizer, electricity, crude oil, natural gas, refinery products, steel, and cement. 
Question 3.	Consider the following statements
  1. NHB Residex is a set of benchmarks that aims to track housing price indicators across Indian cities.
  2. NHB Residex is designed by a technical advisory committee comprising Government representatives, lenders and property market player.

Choose the correct statements from the option given below

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2


Topic: Current Affairs
Level: Moderate


NHB Residex from the National Housing Bank

  • It is a set of benchmarks that aims to track housing price indicators across Indian cities
  • It is designed by a technical advisory committee comprising Government representatives, lenders and property market player
Question 4.	Consider the following statement with reference to constitution of
DNA profiling board, intended by The DNA Based Technology (Use Regulation) Bill, 2017 
  1. The board is supposed to be the regulatory authority that will grant accreditation to DNA laboratories.
  2. Board will advise central and state governments on all issues relating to DNA laboratories.
  3. Board will be the authority to make recommendations on ethical and human rights, including privacy, issues related to DNA testing.

Choose the correct statements from the options given below.

  1. 1 and 2
  2. 1 and 3
  3. 2 and 3
  4. All are correct


Topic: Current Affairs
Level: Moderate


DNA Profiling Board

      • The Board, with 11 members, is supposed to be the regulatory authority that will grant accreditation to DNA laboratories and lay down guidelines, standards and procedures for their functioning.
      • It will advise central and state governments on “all issues relating to DNA laboratories”.
      • It will also be the authority to make recommendations on ethical and human rights, including privacy, issues related to DNA testing.
Question 5.	Consider the following statements
  1. SWAYAM stands for Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds.
  2. SWAYAM is a programme of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.
  3. SWAYAM is an Indian electronic e-education platform which proposes to offer courses from the high school stage to Post-Graduate stage in an interactive electronic platform.

Choose the correct statements from the options given below

  1. 1 and 2
  2. 1 and 3
  3. 2 and 3
  4. All are correct


Topic: Current affairs
Level: Moderate


SWAYAM platform

  • It stands for Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds.
  • It is the Indian electronic e-education platform which proposes to offer courses from the high school stage to Post-Graduate stage in an interactive electronic platform.
  • SWAYAM or Study Webs of Active –Learning for Young Aspiring Minds programme of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, Professors of centrally funded institutions like IITs, IIMs, central universities will offer online courses to citizens of India

G. UPSC Mains Practice Questions

GS Paper I
  1. How do the Indian debates on Secularism differ from the debates in the West?

GS Paper II
  1. Why does Constitution of India provide different forms of Oaths for the President, the Ministers, the legislators and the member of the judiciary? Discuss their significance.


Also, check previous Daily News Analysis


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