
Conducting wire of parabolic shape, initially y = x2 is moving with velocity [latex]\vec v = v_0 \hat i[/latex] in a non-uniform magnetic field [latex]\vec B = B_0(1 + (y/L)^{\beta}) \hat k[/latex] as shown in figure. If V0, B0, L and B are +ve constants and Δϕ is potential difference develop between the ends of wire, then correct statement(s) is/are

a) |Δφ| = (1/2) B0V0L for β = 0 b) |Δφ| = (4/3) B0V0L for β = 2 c) |Δφ| is proportional to the length of wire projected on y-axis. d) |Δφ|... View Article

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a) At time t = 0, the S1 is closed instantaneous current in the closed circuit will be 25 mA b) The key S1 is kept closed for long time such... View Article

Consider a spherical gaseous cloud of mass density ρ(r) in a free space where r is the radial distance from its centre. The gaseous cloud is made of particles of equal mass m moving in circular orbits about their common centre with the same kinetic energy K. The force acting on the particles is their mutual gravitational force. If ρ(r) is constant with time. The particle number density n(r) = ρ(r)/m is:

(g = universal gravitational constant)

a) 3K/πr2m2G b) K/2πr2m2G c) K/πr2m2G d) K/6πr2m2G Answer: (b) GMm/r = mv2/r = 2/r x ½ x mv2 = 2k/r M = 2kr/Gm 4πr2 dr ρ = 2k dr/Gm Or ρ... View Article