
A small circular loop

A small circular loop of conducting wire has radius a and carries current i. It is placed in a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular to its... View Article

A spring mass system

A spring mass system (mass m, spring constant k and natural length l) rest in equilibrium on a horizontal disc. The free end of the spring is... View Article

A rod of length 1 m

A rod of length 1 m pivoted at one end is released from rest when it makes 30° from the horizontal as shown in the figure below. If ω of rod... View Article

A wire of length l = 0.3 m

A wire of length l = 0.3 m and area of cross-section 10–2 cm2 and breaking stress 4.8×107 N/m2 is attached with a block of mass 10 kg. Find the... View Article

A vessel of depth 2h

A vessel of depth 2h is half filled with a liquid of refractive index √2 in upper half and with a liquid of refractive index 2√2 in lower half.... View Article

A quantity is given by

A quantity is given by f = √(hc5/G), where c is speed of light, G is universal gravitational constant and h is the Planck’s constant.... View Article

Kinetic energy of the particle

Kinetic energy of the particle is E and it's de–Broglie wavelength is . On increasing its K.E by Δ , it's new de–Broglie wavelength becomes λ/2.... View Article

Radiation with wavelength

Radiation with wavelength 6561 AÌŠ falls on a metal surface to produce photoelectrons. The electrons are made to enter a uniform magnetic field of... View Article