
Factorise: 16x5 -144x3

Answer: 16x3(x - 3)(x + 3) In Maths, common factors are defined as factors that are common to two or more numbers. A common factor is a number... View Article

Factorise: 49x2 – 36

Answer: In Maths, common factors are defined as factors that are common to two or more numbers. A common factor is a number with which a set of... View Article

Factorise: 4p2 – 9q2

Answer: (2p - 3q)(2p + 3q) In Maths, common factors are defined as factors that are common to two or more numbers. A common factor is a number... View Article

Factorise: 63a2 – 112b2

Answer: 7(3a + 4b)(3a - 4b) In Maths, common factors are defined as factors that are common to two or more numbers. A common factor is a number... View Article

Factorise: 9x2y2 – 16

Answer: (3xy - 4)(3xy + 4) In Maths, common factors are defined as factors that are common to two or more numbers. A common factor is a number... View Article