
A container with 1 kg of water in it is kept in sunlight, which causes the water to get warmer than the surroundings. The average energy per unit time per unit area received due to the sunlight is 700 Wm−2 and it is absorbed by the water over an effective area of 0.05 m2. Assuming that the heat loss from the water to the surroundings is governed by Newton’s law of cooling, the difference (in ℃) in the temperature of water and the surroundings after a long time will be _____________.

(Ignore the effect of the container, and take constant for Newton’s law of cooling = 0.001 s−1, the Heat capacity of water = 4200 J... View Article

A cubical solid aluminium (bulk modulus = -V (dP/dV) = 70 GPa) block has an edge length of 1m on the surface of the earth. It is kept on the floor of a 5 km deep ocean. Taking the average density of water and the acceleration due to gravity to be 103 kg m−3 and 10 ms−2, respectively, the change in the edge length of the block in mm is _____.

Answer: 0.23 to 0.24 B = V (dP/dV) Finding the magnitude of the change in the volume:- 70 x 109 = V/dV x 103 x 10 x 5 x 103 7 x 109 = V/dV x... View Article