

The word Sikh is derived from the Sanskrit word Shishya, meaning disciple or learner. The Sikh religion originated with the advent of Guru Nanak,... View Article

Paheli was writing a letter to her friend. She crumpled and threw the first draft of her letter on the floor as it had become untidy. Similarly, she crumpled and threw 6 more papers on the ground. In the end, she picked them up and put them in a polythene bag and threw it on the road outside her house. Do you think Paheli’s action were responsible? What would you have done if you were in her place?

No. Paheli's actions were not that of a responsible citizen. She wasted so many papers and then threw them on the road in polythene bag which... View Article

The steps required for conversion of kitchen garbage into manure are given below in a jumbled form. (i) Put garbage in a pit. (ii) Cover the bottom of the pit with sand. (iii) Cover the pit loosely with a gunny bag or grass. (iv) Add worms. Which of the following shows the correct sequence of the above steps? (a) (ii); (i); (iii); (iv) (b) (i); (ii); (iii); (iv) (c) (ii); (iv); (i); (iii) (d) (iv); (i); (ii); (iii)

None of the options are correct. The correct sequence for converting kitchen garbage into manure is as follows, ii) Cover the bottom of the pit... View Article

Paheli gave the following ill effects of the practice of burning dried leaves and other plant parts. (i) Burning degrades the soil. (ii) Burning produces harmful gases/fumes. (iii) Precious raw materials to obtain manure at a low cost is lost. (iv) Lot of heat is generated unnecessarily. The correct reasons of why we should not burn leaves are (a) i, ii and iv only (b) i, ii, iii and iv (c) ii and iii only (d) ii, iii and iv only.

c) ii and iii only Burning of dried leaves releases gases and smoke that are harmful for our health. The leaves instead, can be used for making... View Article

Fill in the blanks to complete the life story of cotton fibre. My parents, cotton plants were grown in_______soil and ______climate. The plants bore fruits called______. I, the cotton fibre was separated from seeds in the cotton bolls by the process of _______. Other cotton fibres and myself were made into yarn by the process of _____. The yarn was ______to give beautiful colours and then to get cotton fabric.

My parents, cotton plants were grown in black Soil and warm Climate. The plants bore fruits called cotton bolls. I, the cotton fibre was... View Article

Once, Paheli visited a tailor shop and brought home some cuttings of fabric to study their properties. She took two pieces and found that one of the pieces were shrinking when it was burnt with a candle. However the other did not shrink on burning. Can you help her to find out which of the two was a cotton fabric and which a silk fabric?

The silk has a protein present in it. So the silk fabric had shrunk, and the cotton fabric did not.  The piece which shrinks on burning with a... View Article