
Two resistors of resistance 2 Ω and 4 Ω when connected to a battery will have (a) same current flowing through them when connected in parallel (b) same current flowing through them when connected in series (c) the same potential difference across them when connected in series (d) different potential difference across them when connected in parallel

Answer: (b) same current flowing through them when connected in series In series, the combination current does not get divided into branches... View Article

In an electrical circuit, three incandescent bulbs A, B and C of rating 40 W, 60 W and 100 W respectively are connected in parallel to an electric source. Which of the following is likely to happen regarding their brightness? (a) The brightness of all the bulbs will be the same (b) The brightness of bulb A will be the maximum (c) The brightness of bulb B will be more than that of A (d) The brightness of bulb C will be less than that of B

Answer: (c) The brightness of bulb B will be more than that of A Bulbs are connected in parallel so the resistance of combination would be less... View Article

Paheli took a wire of length 10 cm. Boojho took a wire of 5 cm of the same material and thickness. Both of them connected the wires as shown in the circuit given in Figure. The current flowing in both circuits is the same. i) Will the heat produced in both the cases be equal? Explain. ii) Will, the heat produced be the same if the wires taken by them are of equal lengths but of different thickness? Explain.

Answer: The electric circuits are closed-loop or path which forms a network of electrical components, where electrons are able to flow. This... View Article