
Who invented Abacus?

Abacus is a calculating tool which has been used since ancient times. The name of the inventor of the Abacus is unknown but it is believed that... View Article

3: 18 : : 13 : ?

Solution: Product of means = product of extremes a:b : : c:d a and d are the extremes and b and c are the means. ad = bc 3: 18 : : 13 :... View Article

A non-conducting cylindrical shell of radius R is placed in uniform magnetic field. The axis of the cylinder is parallel to! the direction of magnetic field. A hole is drilled in cylinder and a particle having charge q and mass m is projected with velocity vo perpendicular to magnetic field and directed towards the axis of cylinder as shown in diagram. The particle collides elastically with inner wall of the cylinder and rebounds. The maximum speed Vo for which it can come out is

a) The minimum number of collisions after which it will emerge is two. b) The maximum speed v_(0) for which it can come out is c) The minimum... View Article