Important Books for Sanskrit Literature Optional for UPSC IAS Mains

The UPSC Civil Services Exam is conducted in three stages- Prelims, Mains and Interview. Aspirants need to choose one optional subject for UPSC mains exam. It plays a significant role in deciding aspirants ranking in IAS Exam. Recent trends show that the success rate of Literature subjects is soaring with years.

Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages in the world. It is the mother of many vernacular Indian languages. The UPSC Mains exam offers literature of Sanskrit language as an optional subject for civil services examination.

This article suggests relevant booklist for UPSC Sanskrit Literature subject. You may also like to check UPSC Sanskrit Literature Strategy to cover the syllabus efficiently.

UPSC Sanskrit Literature Optional Books

This optional subject has carefully outlined syllabus and if IAS aspirants have great clout in framing the Sanskrit dialect, then they can pick this as their optional subject in civil services examination.

Aspirants should analyze UPSC Sanskrit Literature Syllabus for IAS Mains. The optional subject has two parts- Paper-I and Paper-II.

IAS Sanskrit Literature Optional Booklist for Paper I & II

The suggested readings for Sanskrit Literature optional paper I & II are given in the table below:

UPSC Sanskrit Literature Books/ Texts
  • Rachnanuvadkaumudi by Kapildev Dwivedi
  • M. R. Kale’s books on each of the Mahakavya
  • Brihad Anuvad Chandrika by Chakradhar Nautiyal “Hansa” Shastri
  • Bhasha Vigyan evam Bhasha Shastra by Kapildev Dwivedi
  • Sanskrit Sahitya ka Itihaas by Umashankar Sharma “Rishi”
  • Sanskrit Kavi Darshan by Bhola Shankar Vyas
  • Separate books for topics of Group 2 – Pracheen Sahitya (ancient literature)
  • Original texts:
    • Raghuvansham – Canto I, Verses 1 to 10
    • Kumarasambhavam – Canto I, Verses 1 to 10
    • Kiratarjuniyam – Canto I, Verses 1 to 10
    • Isavasyopanisad – verses -1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 15 and 18
    • Bhagavadgita chapter II verses 13 to 25
    • Sundarakandam of Valmiki Canto 15, Verses 15 to 30
    • Meghadutam – verses 1 to 10
    • Nitisatakam – Verses 1 to 10 (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Publication)
    • Kadambar i- Sukanaso-Padesa (only)
  • Shukanasopadesh – Varnanam by Dr Rajendra Kumar

IAS aspirants who are targeting UPSC 2021, may check the linked article to know the upcoming exam better and approach it with better strategies.

UPSC Sanskrit Literature Booklist:- Download PDF Here

Generally considered a tough language (partly because it is not a commonly heard language), many candidates, even those who had studied Sanskrit at school, shy away from opting for the Sanskrit optional. But, the truth is, there have been many successful IAS candidates with this optional.

You can also check the articles relevant to UPSC IAS exam preparation in the table below:

Related Links:
UPSC Exam Strategy UPSC Question Papers
UPSC Books Best IAS Optional
Pros and Cons of taking Literature Optionals UPSC Notes
How Many Candidates take Literature Optionals UPSC Bengali Syllabus


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