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Which Ocean is named after a country?

  • The Indian Ocean is named after the country, India.
  • The important reasons for the same are:
  • 1.India has the longest coastline of the Indian Ocean.

    2.India is centrally located between East Asia and West Asia. Located in the 3.Trans-Indian Ocean route, it connects the Western European countries and countries of East Asia.

    4.The Deccan Peninsula extends into the Indian Ocean, thereby enabling India to establish close contact with West Asia, Africa, and Europe from the Western coast and South-East and East Asia from the Eastern coast.

    • The Indian Ocean is located in the Eastern hemisphere.
    • The major Oceans of the World are:

    1.Atlantic Ocean

    2.Pacific Ocean

    3.Indian Ocean

    4.Arctic Ocean

    Further Reading:

    Find more related IAS Questions in the linked article. 

    Related Links:

    Indian Meteorological Department

    Heating and Cooling of Atmosphere

    Heat Budget of the Earth

    Factors Controlling Temperature Distribution

    5 Major Ocean Gyres

    Geography Notes


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