NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14 Factorisation

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14 Factorisation

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Exercise 14.1 Page No: 208

1. Find the common factors of the given terms.

(i) 12x, 36

(ii) 2y, 22xy

(iii) 14 pq, 28p2q2

(iv) 2x, 3x2, 4

(v) 6 abc, 24ab2, 12a2b

(vi) 16 x3, – 4x2 , 32 x

(vii) 10 pq, 20qr, 30 rp

(viii) 3x2y3 , 10x3y2 , 6x2y2z


(i) Factors of 12x and 36

12x = 2×2×3×x

36 = 2×2×3×3

Common factors of 12x and 36 are 2, 2, 3

and , 2×2×3 = 12

(ii) Factors of 2y and 22xy

2y = 2×y

22xy = 2×11×x×y

Common factors of 2y and 22xy are 2, y

and ,2×y = 2y

(iii) Factors of 14pq and 28p2q2

14pq = 2x7xpxq

28p2q2 = 2x2x7xpxpxqxq

Common factors of 14 pq and 28 p2q2 are 2, 7 , p , q

and, 2x7xpxq = 14pq

(iv) Factors of 2x, 3x2and 4

2x = 2×x

3x2= 3×x×x

4 = 2×2

Common factors of 2x, 3x2 and 4 is 1.

(v) Factors of 6abc, 24ab2 and 12a2b

6abc = 2×3×a×b×c

24ab2 = 2×2×2×3×a×b×b

12 a2 b = 2×2×3×a×a×b

Common factors of 6 abc, 24ab2 and 12a2b are 2, 3, a, b

and, 2×3×a×b = 6ab

(vi) Factors of 16x3 , -4x2and 32x

16 x3 = 2×2×2×2×x×x×x

– 4x2 = -1×2×2×x×x

32x = 2×2×2×2×2×x

Common factors of 16 x3 , – 4x2 and 32x are 2,2, x

and, 2×2×x = 4x

(vii) Factors of 10 pq, 20qr and 30rp

10 pq = 2×5×p×q

20qr = 2×2×5×q×r

30rp= 2×3×5×r×p

Common factors of 10 pq, 20qr and 30rp are 2, 5

and, 2×5 = 10

(viii) Factors of 3x2y3 , 10x3y2 and 6x2y2z

3x2y3 = 3×x×x×y×y×y

10x3 y2 = 2×5×x×x×x×y×y

6x2y2z = 3×2×x×x×y×y×z

Common factors of 3x2y3, 10x3y2 and 6x2y2z are x2, y2

and, x2×y2 = x2y2

2.Factorise the following expressions.

(i) 7x–42

(ii) 6p–12q

(iii) 7a2+ 14a

(iv) -16z+20 z3

(v) 20l2m+30alm

(vi) 5x2y-15xy2

(vii) 10a2-15b2+20c2

(viii) -4a2+4ab–4 ca

(ix) x2yz+xy2z +xyz2

(x) ax2y+bxy2+cxyz


Ncert solutions class 8 chapter 14-1

Ncert solutions class 8 chapter 14-2

(vii) 10a2-15b2+20c2

10a2 = 2×5×a×a

– 15b2 = -1×3×5×b×b

20c2 = 2×2×5×c×c

Common factor of 10 a2 , 15b2 and 20c2 is 5

10a2-15b2+20c2 = 5(2a2-3b2+4c2 )

(viii) – 4a2+4ab-4ca

– 4a2 = -1×2×2×a×a

4ab = 2×2×a×b

– 4ca = -1×2×2×c×a

Common factor of – 4a2 , 4ab , – 4ca are 2, 2, a i.e. 4a


– 4a2+4 ab-4 ca = 4a(-a+b-c)

(ix) x2yz+xy2z+xyz2

x2yz = x×x×y×z

xy2z = x×y×y×z

xyz2 = x×y×z×z

Common factor of x2yz , xy2z and xyz2 are x, y, z i.e. xyz

Now, x2yz+xy2z+xyz2 = xyz(x+y+z)

(x) ax2y+bxy2+cxyz

ax2y = a×x×x×y

bxy2 = b×x×y×y

cxyz = c×x×y×z

Common factors of a x2y ,bxy2 and cxyz are xy

Now, ax2y+bxy2+cxyz = xy(ax+by+cz)

3. Factorise.

(i) x2+xy+8x+8y

(ii) 15xy–6x+5y–2

(iii) ax+bx–ay–by

(iv) 15pq+15+9q+25p

(v) z–7+7xy–xyz


Ncert solutions class 8 chapter 14-3

Exercise 14.2 Page No: 223

1. Factorise the following expressions.

(i) a2+8a+16

(ii) p2–10p+25

(iii) 25m2+30m+9

(iv) 49y2+84yz+36z2

(v) 4x2–8x+4

(vi) 121b2–88bc+16c2

(vii) (l+m)2–4lm (Hint: Expand (l+m)2 first)

(viii) a4+2a2b2+b4


(i) a2+8a+16

= a2+2×4×a+42

= (a+4)2

Using the identity (x+y)2 = x2+2xy+y2

(ii) p2–10p+25

= p2-2×5×p+52

= (p-5)2

Using the identity (x-y)2 = x2-2xy+y2

(iii) 25m2+30m+9

= (5m)2+2×5m×3+32

= (5m+3)2

Using the identity (x+y)2 = x2+2xy+y2

(iv) 49y2+84yz+36z2


= (7y+6z)2

Using the identity (x+y)2 = x2+2xy+y2

(v) 4x2–8x+4

= (2x)2-2×4x+22

= (2x-2)2

Using the identity (x-y)2 = x2-2xy+y2

(vi) 121b2-88bc+16c2

= (11b)2-2×11b×4c+(4c)2

= (11b-4c)2

Using the identity (x-y)2 = x2-2xy+y2

(vii) (l+m)2-4lm (Hint: Expand (l+m)2 first)

Expand (l+m)2 using the identity (x+y)2 = x2+2xy+y2

(l+m)2-4lm = l2+m2+2lm-4lm

= l2+m2-2lm

= (l-m)2

Using the identity (x-y)2 = x2-2xy+y2

(viii) a4+2a2b2+b4

= (a2)2+2×a2×b2+(b2)2

= (a2+b2)2

Using the identity (x+y)2 = x2+2xy+y2

2. Factorise.

(i) 4p2–9q2

(ii) 63a2–112b2

(iii) 49x2–36

(iv) 16x5–144x3 differ

(v) (l+m)2-(l-m) 2

(vi) 9x2y2–16

(vii) (x2–2xy+y2)–z2

(viii) 25a2–4b2+28bc–49c2


(i) 4p2–9q2

= (2p)2-(3q)2

= (2p-3q)(2p+3q)

Using the identity x2-y2 = (x+y)(x-y)

(ii) 63a2–112b2

= 7(9a2 –16b2)

= 7((3a)2–(4b)2)

= 7(3a+4b)(3a-4b)

Using the identity x2-y2 = (x+y)(x-y)

(iii) 49x2–36

= (7x)2 -62

= (7x+6)(7x–6)

Using the identity x2-y2 = (x+y)(x-y)

(iv) 16x5–144x3

= 16x3(x2–9)

= 16x3(x2–9)

= 16x3(x–3)(x+3)

Using the identity x2-y2 = (x+y)(x-y)

(v) (l+m) 2-(l-m) 2

= {(l+m)-(l–m)}{(l +m)+(l–m)}

Using the identity x2-y2 = (x+y)(x-y)

= (l+m–l+m)(l+m+l–m)

= (2m)(2l)

= 4 ml

(vi) 9x2y2–16

= (3xy)2-42

= (3xy–4)(3xy+4)

Using the identity x2-y2 = (x+y)(x-y)

(vii) (x2–2xy+y2)–z2

= (x–y)2–z2

Using the identity (x-y)2 = x2-2xy+y2

= {(x–y)–z}{(x–y)+z}

= (x–y–z)(x–y+z)

Using the identity x2-y2 = (x+y)(x-y)

(viii) 25a2–4b2+28bc–49c2

= 25a2–(4b2-28bc+49c2 )

= (5a)2-{(2b)2-2(2b)(7c)+(7c)2}

= (5a)2-(2b-7c)2

Using the identity x2-y2 = (x+y)(x-y) , we have

= (5a+2b-7c)(5a-2b+7c)

3. Factorise the expressions.

(i) ax2+bx

(ii) 7p2+21q2

(iii) 2x3+2xy2+2xz2

(iv) am2+bm2+bn2+an2

(v) (lm+l)+m+1

(vi) y(y+z)+9(y+z)

(vii) 5y2–20y–8z+2yz

(viii) 10ab+4a+5b+2



(i) ax2+bx = x(ax+b)

(ii) 7p2+21q2 = 7(p2+3q2)

(iii) 2x3+2xy2+2xz2 = 2x(x2+y2+z2)

(iv) am2+bm2+bn2+an2 = m2(a+b)+n2(a+b) = (a+b)(m2+n2)

(v) (lm+l)+m+1 = lm+m+l+1 = m(l+1)+(l+1) = (m+1)(l+1)

(vi) y(y+z)+9(y+z) = (y+9)(y+z)

(vii) 5y2–20y–8z+2yz = 5y(y–4)+2z(y–4) = (y–4)(5y+2z)

(viii) 10ab+4a+5b+2 = 5b(2a+1)+2(2a+1) = (2a+1)(5b+2)

(ix) 6xy–4y+6–9x = 6xy–9x–4y+6 = 3x(2y–3)–2(2y–3) = (2y–3)(3x–2)


(i) a4–b4

(ii) p4–81

(iii) x4–(y+z) 4

(iv) x4–(x–z) 4

(v) a4–2a2b2+b4


(i) a4–b4

= (a2)2-(b2)2

= (a2-b2) (a2+b2)

= (a – b)(a + b)(a2+b2)

(ii) p4–81

= (p2)2-(9)2

= (p2-9)(p2+9)

= (p2-32)(p2+9)


(iii) x4–(y+z) 4 = (x2)2-[(y+z)2]2

= {x2-(y+z)2}{ x2+(y+z)2}

= {(x –(y+z)(x+(y+z)}{x2+(y+z)2}

= (x–y–z)(x+y+z) {x2+(y+z)2}

(iv) x4–(x–z) 4 = (x2)2-{(x-z)2}2

= {x2-(x-z)2}{x2+(x-z)2}

= { x-(x-z)}{x+(x-z)} {x2+(x-z)2}

= z(2x-z)( x2+x2-2xz+z2)

= z(2x-z)( 2x2-2xz+z2)

(v) a4–2a2b2+b4 = (a2)2-2a2b2+(b2)2

= (a2-b2)2

= ((a–b)(a+b))2

= (a – b)2 (a + b)2

5. Factorise the following expressions.

(i) p2+6p+8

(ii) q2–10q+21

(iii) p2+6p–16


(i) p2+6p+8

We observed that 8 = 4×2 and 4+2 = 6

p2+6p+8 can be written as p2+2p+4p+8

Taking Common terms, we get

p2+6p+8 = p2+2p+4p+8 = p(p+2)+4(p+2)

Again, p+2 is common in both the terms.

= (p+2)(p+4)

This implies that p2+6p+8 = (p+2)(p+4)

(ii) q2–10q+21

We observed that 21 = -7×-3 and -7+(-3) = -10

q2–10q+21 = q2–3q-7q+21

= q(q–3)–7(q–3)

= (q–7)(q–3)

This implies that q2–10q+21 = (q–7)(q–3)

(iii) p2+6p–16

We observed that -16 = -2×8 and 8+(-2) = 6

p2+6p–16 = p2–2p+8p–16

= p(p–2)+8(p–2)

= (p+8)(p–2)

So, p2+6p–16 = (p+8)(p–2)

Exercise 14.3 Page No: 227

1. Carry out the following divisions.

(i) 28x4 ÷ 56x

(ii) –36y3 ÷ 9y2

(iii) 66pq2r3 ÷ 11qr2

(iv) 34x3y3z3 ÷ 51xy2z3

(v) 12a8b8 ÷ (– 6a6b4)


(i)28x4 = 2×2×7×x×x×x×x

56x = 2×2×2×7×x

Ncert solutions class 8 chapter 14-4

Ncert solutions class 8 chapter 14-5

Ncert solutions class 8 chapter 14-6

Ncert solutions class 8 chapter 14-7

Ncert solutions class 8 chapter 14-8

2. Divide the given polynomial by the given monomial.

(i)(5x2–6x) ÷ 3x

(ii)(3y8–4y6+5y4) ÷ y4

(iii) 8(x3y2z2+x2y3z2+x2y2z3)÷ 4x2 y2 z2

(iv)(x3+2x2+3x) ÷2x

(v) (p3q6–p6q3) ÷ p3q3


Ncert solutions class 8 chapter 14-9

3. Work out the following divisions.

(i) (10x–25) ÷ 5

(ii) (10x–25) ÷ (2x–5)

(iii) 10y(6y+21) ÷ 5(2y+7)

(iv) 9x2y2(3z–24) ÷ 27xy(z–8)

(v) 96abc(3a–12)(5b–30) ÷ 144(a–4)(b–6)


(i) (10x–25) ÷ 5 = 5(2x-5)/5 = 2x-5

(ii) (10x–25) ÷ (2x–5) = 5(2x-5)/( 2x-5) = 5

(iii) 10y(6y+21) ÷ 5(2y+7) = 10y×3(2y+7)/5(2y+7) = 6y

(iv) 9x2y2(3z–24) ÷ 27xy(z–8) = 9x2y2×3(z-8)/27xy(z-8) = xy

Ncert solutions class 8 chapter 14-10

4. Divide as directed.

(i) 5(2x+1)(3x+5)÷ (2x+1)

(ii) 26xy(x+5)(y–4)÷13x(y–4)

(iii) 52pqr(p+q)(q+r)(r+p) ÷ 104pq(q+r)(r+p)

(iv) 20(y+4) (y2+5y+3) ÷ 5(y+4)

(v) x(x+1) (x+2)(x+3) ÷ x(x+1)


Ncert solutions class 8 chapter 14-11

5. Factorise the expressions and divide them as directed.

(i) (y2+7y+10)÷(y+5)

(ii) (m2–14m–32)÷(m+2)

(iii) (5p2–25p+20)÷(p–1)

(iv) 4yz(z2+6z–16)÷2y(z+8)

(v) 5pq(p2–q2)÷2p(p+q)

(vi) 12xy(9x2–16y2)÷4xy(3x+4y)

(vii) 39y3(50y2–98) ÷ 26y2(5y+7)


(i) (y2+7y+10)÷(y+5)

First, solve the equation (y2+7y+10)

(y2+7y+10) = y2+2y+5y+10 = y(y+2)+5(y+2) = (y+2)(y+5)

Now, (y2+7y+10)÷(y+5) = (y+2)(y+5)/(y+5) = y+2

(ii) (m2–14m–32)÷ (m+2)

Solve for m2–14m–32, we have

m2–14m–32 = m2+2m-16m–32 = m(m+2)–16(m+2) = (m–16)(m+2)

Now, (m2–14m–32)÷(m+2) = (m–16)(m+2)/(m+2) = m-16

(iii) (5p2–25p+20)÷(p–1)

Step 1: Take 5 common from the equation, 5p2–25p+20, we get

5p2–25p+20 = 5(p2–5p+4)

Step 2: Factorise p2–5p+4

p2–5p+4 = p2–p-4p+4 = (p–1)(p–4)

Step 3: Solve original equation

(5p2–25p+20)÷(p–1) = 5(p–1)(p–4)/(p-1) = 5(p–4)

(iv) 4yz(z2 + 6z–16)÷ 2y(z+8)

Factorising z2+6z–16,

z2+6z–16 = z2-2z+8z–16 = (z–2)(z+8)

Now, 4yz(z2+6z–16) ÷ 2y(z+8) = 4yz(z–2)(z+8)/2y(z+8) = 2z(z-2)

(v) 5pq(p2–q2) ÷ 2p(p+q)

p2–q2 can be written as (p–q)(p+q) using the identity.

5pq(p2–q2) ÷ 2p(p+q) = 5pq(p–q)(p+q)/2p(p+q) = 5q(p–q)/2

(vi) 12xy(9x2–16y2) ÷ 4xy(3x+4y)

Factorising 9x2–16y2 , we have

9x2–16y2 = (3x)2–(4y)2 = (3x+4y)(3x-4y) using the identity p2–q2 = (p–q)(p+q)

Now, 12xy(9x2–16y2) ÷ 4xy(3x+4y) = 12xy(3x+4y)(3x-4y) /4xy(3x+4y) = 3(3x-4y)

(vii) 39y3(50y2–98) ÷ 26y2(5y+7)
st solve for 50y2–98, we have

50y2–98 = 2(25y2–49) = 2((5y)2–72) = 2(5y–7)(5y+7)

Now, 39y3(50y2–98) ÷ 26y2(5y+7) =

Ncert solutions class 8 chapter 14-12

Exercise 14.4 Page No: 228

1. 4(x–5) = 4x–5


4(x- 5)= 4x – 20 ≠ 4x – 5 = RHS

The correct statement is 4(x-5) = 4x–20

2. x(3x+2) = 3x2+2


LHS = x(3x+2) = 3x2+2x ≠ 3x2+2 = RHS

The correct solution is x(3x+2) = 3x2+2x

3. 2x+3y = 5xy


LHS= 2x+3y ≠ R. H. S

The correct statement is 2x+3y = 2x+3 y

4. x+2x+3x = 5x


LHS = x+2x+3x = 6x ≠ RHS

The correct statement is x+2x+3x = 6x

5. 5y+2y+y–7y = 0


LHS = 5y+2y+y–7y = y ≠ RHS

The correct statement is 5y+2y+y–7y = y

6. 3x+2x = 5x2


LHS = 3x+2x = 5x ≠ RHS

The correct statement is 3x+2x = 5x

7. (2x) 2+4(2x)+7 = 2x2+8x+7


LHS = (2x) 2+4(2x)+7 = 4x2+8x+7 ≠ RHS

The correct statement is (2x) 2+4(2x)+7 = 4x2+8x+7

8. (2x) 2+5x = 4x+5x = 9x


LHS = (2x) 2+5x = 4x2+5x ≠ 9x = RHS

The correct statement is(2x) 2+5x = 4x2+5x

9. (3x + 2) 2 = 3x2+6x+4


LHS = (3x+2) 2 = (3x)2+22+2x2x3x = 9x2+4+12x ≠ RHS

The correct statement is (3x + 2) 2 = 9x2+4+12x

10. Substituting x = – 3 in

(a) x2 + 5x + 4 gives (– 3) 2+5(– 3)+4 = 9+2+4 = 15

(b) x2 – 5x + 4 gives (– 3) 2– 5( – 3)+4 = 9–15+4 = – 2

(c) x2 + 5x gives (– 3) 2+5(–3) = – 9–15 = – 24


(a) Substituting x = – 3 in x2+5x+4, we have

x2+5x+4 = (– 3) 2+5(– 3)+4 = 9–15+4 = – 2. This is the correct answer.

(b) Substituting x = – 3 in x2–5x+4

x2–5x+4 = (–3) 2–5(– 3)+4 = 9+15+4 = 28. This is the correct answer

(c) Substituting x = – 3 in x2+5x

x2+5x = (– 3) 2+5(–3) = 9–15 = -6. This is the correct answer

11.(y–3)2 = y2–9


LHS = (y–3)2 , which is similar to (a–b)2 identity, where (a–b) 2 = a2+b2-2ab

(y – 3)2 = y2+(3) 2–2y×3 = y2+9 –6y ≠ y2 – 9 = RHS

The correct statement is (y–3)2 = y2 + 9 – 6y

12. (z+5) 2 = z2+25


LHS = (z+5)2 , which is similar to (a +b)2 identity, where (a+b) 2 = a2+b2+2ab

(z+5) 2 = z2+52+2×5×z = z2+25+10z ≠ z2+25 = RHS

The correct statement is (z+5) 2 = z2+25+10z

13. (2a+3b)(a–b) = 2a2–3b2


LHS = (2a+3b)(a–b) = 2a(a–b)+3b(a–b)

= 2a2–2ab+3ab–3b2

= 2a2+ab–3b2

≠ 2a2–3b2 = RHS

The correct statement is (2a +3b)(a –b) = 2a2+ab–3b2

14. (a+4)(a+2) = a2+8


LHS = (a+4)(a+2) = a(a+2)+4(a+2)

= a2+2a+4a+8

= a2+6a+8

≠ a2+8 = RHS

The correct statement is (a+4)(a+2) = a2+6a+8

15. (a–4)(a–2) = a2–8


LHS = (a–4)(a–2) = a(a–2)–4(a–2)

= a2–2a–4a+8

= a2–6a+8

≠ a2-8 = RHS

The correct statement is (a–4)(a–2) = a2–6a+8

16. 3x2/3x2 = 0


LHS = 3x2/3x2 = 1 ≠ 0 = RHS

The correct statement is 3x2/3x2 = 1

17. (3x2+1)/3x2 = 1 + 1 = 2


LHS = (3x2+1)/3x2 = (3x2/3x2)+(1/3x2) = 1+(1/3x2) ≠ 2 = RHS

The correct statement is (3x2+1)/3x2 = 1+(1/3x2)

18. 3x/(3x+2) = ½


LHS = 3x/(3x+2) ≠ 1/2 = RHS

The correct statement is 3x/(3x+2) = 3x/(3x+2)

19. 3/(4x+3) = 1/4x


LHS = 3/(4x+3) ≠ 1/4x

The correct statement is 3/(4x+3) = 3/(4x+3)

20. (4x+5)/4x = 5


LHS = (4x+5)/4x = 4x/4x + 5/4x = 1 + 5/4x ≠ 5 = RHS

The correct statement is (4x+5)/4x = 1 + (5/4x)

Ncert solutions class 8 chapter 14-13

LHS = (7x+5)/5 = (7x/5)+ 5/5 = (7x/5)+1 ≠ 7x = RHS

The correct statement is (7x+5)/5 = (7x/5) +1

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14 Factorisation

Class 8 NCERT exercise-wise questions and answers will help students frame a perfect solution in the Maths exam. These exercise questions can provide students with a topic-wise preparation strategy. Some of the important topics introduced in Class 8 NCERT Solutions Maths are Factorisation, Factors of natural numbers, Factors of algebraic expressions and Division of Algebraic Expressions.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14 Exercises

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Exercise 14.1 Solutions: 3 Questions (Short answer type)

Exercise 14.2 Solutions: 5 Questions (Short answer type)

Exercise 14.3 Solutions: 5 Questions (Short answer type)

Exercise 14.4 Solutions: 21 Questions (Short answer type)

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14 Factorisation

NCERT Class 8 Maths Chapter 14 deals primarily with the factorisation of numbers and algebraic expressions using algebraic identities. Students will also learn about, Division of Algebraic Expressions, Division of a monomial by another monomial, Division of a polynomial by a monomial and Division of Polynomial by Polynomial.

The main topics covered in this chapter include

Exercise Topic
14.1 Introduction
14.2 What Is Factorisation?
14.3 Division of Algebraic Expressions
14.4 Division of Algebraic Expressions
14.5 Can You Find the Error?

Key Features of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14 Factorisation

  1. These NCERT solutions help students understand the concepts clearly.
  2. Simple and precise language is used to explain the topics.
  3. All concepts have been explained in detail.
  4. Subject experts have consolidated all exercise questions in one place for practice.
  5. NCERT Solutions are helpful for the preparation of competitive exams.


Dropped Topics – 14.5 Can you find the error?

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14


Are NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14 important for the exam?

Yes, the 14th chapter Factorisation of NCERT Solutions for Class 8, is important from an exam perspective. It contains short answer questions as well as long answer questions to improve problem-solving. These solutions are created by BYJU’S expert faculty to help students in preparation for their examinations.

How many exercises are there in NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14?

There are four exercises in the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14. These Solutions of NCERT Maths Class 8 Chapter 14 help the students in solving problems adroitly and efficiently. They also focus on cracking the Solutions of Maths in such a way that it is easy for the students to understand.

What are the main topics covered in the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14?

The main topics covered in the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 14 are
14.1 – Introduction
14.2 – Definition of Factorisation
14.3 – Division of Algebraic Expressions
14.4 – Division of Algebraic Expressions
14.5 – Can You Find the Error?


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  1. Nice aap

  2. It helps in learn

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