Double fertilization is a characteristic feature of angiosperms. One of the male gametes fuses with the egg cell of embryosac forming a diploid zygote. This process is known as syngamy. The other male gamete fuses with two polar nuclei of central cell forming triploid endosperm.
1. In Angiosperms, the functional megaspore gives rise to
(a) ovule
(b) embryo
(c) embryo sac
(d) endosperm
Answer: (c)
2. Which of the following shows double fertilization?
(a) Angiosperms
(b) Gymnosperms
(c) Algae
(d) All of the above
Answer: (a)
3. Which of the following contains the filiform apparatus?
(a) zygote
(b) synergids
(c) generative cell
(d) egg
Answer: (b)
4. Which of the following undergoes meiosis?
(a) conidia
(b) gemmules
(c) meiocyte
(d) megaspore
Answer: (c)
5. Perisperm is different from endosperm because
(a) it is haploid
(b) it is diploid
(c) it does not contain reserve food
(d) it is formed by fusion of secondary nucleus and many sperms
Answer: (b)
6. The pollen tube enters the embryo sac through
(a) Central cell
(b) Egg cell
(c) Degenerated synergid
(d) Persistent synergid
Answer: (c)
7. Embryo sac of the angiosperms having eight nuclei is
(a) only tetrasporic
(b) only bisporic
(c) only monosporic
(d) any of the following
Answer: (d)
8. Double fertilization is due to the fusion of
(a) male gametes with egg and synergid
(b) male gametes with egg and secondary nucleus
(c) male gametes with egg and polar nuclei
(d) male gametes with two eggs
Answer: (b)
9. Double fertilization was discovered by
(a) Leeuwenhoek
(b) Hofmeister
(c) Nawaschin and Guignard
(d) Strasburger
Answer: (c)
10. The embryo sac occurs in
(a) endosperm
(b) ovule
(c) axis part of embryo
(d) embryo
Answer: (b)
These were some MCQs on double fertilization in angiosperms. Learn MCQs on related topics for NEET, at BYJU’S.
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