Asexual reproduction in bacteria is by binary fission. It is the main mode of their propagation. Binary fission leads to the formation of identical copies of a cell without any genetic recombination. As genetic diversity is a key to survival, bacteria also undergo alternative reproduction methods, whereby sharing of genetic material occurs, namely conjugation, transformation and transduction.
1. Binary fission in bacteria does not involve
(a) spindle formation
(b) DNA duplication
(c) Cytokinesis
(d) Cell elongation
Answer: (a)
2. Transfer of genetic material from the donor to recipient bacterium through cell contact is termed as
(a) transduction
(b) recombination
(c) conjugation
(d) transformation
Answer: (c)
3. Common vegetative reproduction in bacteria is by
(a) conjugation
(b) budding
(c) oidia
(d) binary fission
Answer: (d)
4. Transfer of genetic material in bacteria through virus is termed as
(a) transduction
(b) recombination
(c) conjugation
(d) transformation
Answer: (a)
5. Genetic recombination between bacterial cells is first demonstrated by
(a) Ochoa and Kornberg
(b) Har Gobind Khorana
(c) H. J. Muller
(d) Lederberg and Tatum
Answer: (d)
6. Which of the following methods of reproduction proved for the first time that DNA is genetic material?
(a) Binary fission
(b) Conjugation
(c) Transduction
(d) Transformation
Answer: (d)
7. Mode of action of penicillin is by
(a) inhibiting RNA synthesis
(b) inhibiting cell wall formation
(c) destroying chromatin
(d) inhibiting spindle formation
Answer: (b)
8. Bacterial sex factor is
(a) F-factor
(b) col-factor
(c) R-factor
(d) RNA
Answer: (a)
9. Which of the following bacteriophages are responsible for specialised transduction?
(a) T4 phages
(b) Lysogenic phages
(c) Lytic phages
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Answer: (b)
10. Transduction was discovered by
(a) Zinder and Lederberg
(b) Ivanovsky
(c) Griffith
(d) Avery et al
Answer: (a)
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