NEET Rank Predictor

Once we have appeared for the NEET exams, we start predicting our NEET scores and lookup for the same. To ease it for students, we have come up with the best tool to predict ranks before the official declaration of results with the NEET Rank Predictor. This tool helps candidates appearing for NEET exams to jot down the list of preferred medical and dental colleges as per the rank predicted, which is one of the biggest decisions when it comes to NEET exams.

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Candidates must make note of the fact that these ranks and scores are not to be taken for the final ones. This is just a prediction tool to help students get a fair idea of their ranking and is a tentative rank. The official rankings will be announced by NTA (National Testing Agency) for NEET exams. Hence, avoid making decisions on the basis of these predictions.


NEET 2023

NEET is a national-level, entrance examination, enabling qualifying students to take up admissions in medical colleges/universities based on their ranking in NEET exams. Also, the NEET entrance exams enable students to apply to medical colleges in foreign countries such as the Philippines, Georgia, Ukraine, etc based on their ranking. Qualifying candidates can apply for MBBS courses at these universities.

Candidates who have appeared for NEET exams and cleared the officially announced cut-off score will be invited for the further processes – counselling process at various universities/colleges, which is decided on the basis of their ranking and score.

Students who are keen to make a career in the field of medicine and become successful medical professionals need to brace themselves and start preparing for the country’s most coveted and highly competitive exams. In NEET exams, students are assessed in the following sections through objective type questions – Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. One needs to be quick and have a well-practised hand, as the duration of the exam is 200 minutes to answer 180 questions. You get a little over a minute only to answer one question!

If you are taking up NEET exams this year, would you not be anxious to use the NEET Rank Predictor to check your predicted ranking and hence the probable college you might get admitted to? Would you not be curious to know your ranking before the official result declaration? Are you not keen to know your rank amongst lakhs of students who are taking up exams this year and see where you stand in the crowd? This tool helps you get a brief idea and answers all your questions.

What Is NEET Rank Predictor?

The NEET Rank Predictor is a wonder tool facilitating candidates to get a brief and precise insight into respective ranks after having appeared at the NEET exams. The exams are scheduled to be conducted soon by the NTA, which is followed by the declaration of the results. Students can get a rough idea of their position in the list of ranks beforehand with this rank predictor.

However, this rank predictor does not give you the exact ranking. The actual rank may vary based on aspects such as NEET 2023 cut-off that is declared for that year.

See Also: NEET Results

How Does NEET Rank Predictor Work?

The NEET Rank Predictor tools consider the structure of ranking from the preceding year, after which it matches them with the present years’ questions. Then, depending on the contrast in the level of difficulty of questions comparing data from both the years, the tool predicts an appropriate rank for students.

The key aspect of this tool that decides the accuracy is the score fed in the tool. The more accurate your entered score in the tool is, the more accurate your predicted rank will be. Hence, it is suggested to carefully calculate your score from each of the four sections of the paper – Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. Carefully add your score and enter into the NEET Rank Predictor Tool, the rest will be taken care of. The tool, on the whole, is based on approximations extrapolated from results, marks and ranks from previous years.

How To Use The NEET Rank Predictor?

Listed below is a step-wise guide helping you to use the tool:

  • Enter your name, email id, phone number. This is the same data you entered while filling the NEET 2023 Application Form during registration
  • Next, enter the expected score you calculated after appearing at the NEET exams
  • Finally, submit the entered data and wait for the predicted ranking.

The final page exhibits a complete analysis and the subsequent rank prediction, also a listing suggesting the best set of colleges, as per your ranking.

How To Calculate Approximate Marks?

In order to know the estimated rank, candidates must enter the most probable marks. For this, it is suggested to read through the NEET answer key. The answer key released officially by the NTA weeks after the NEET exams, contains the exact solutions to questions for all the different sets of question papers. Candidates can then tally their OMR sheets (also uploaded on the official website along with the answer key) with the answer key and calculate their score. This way you can have an estimate of the number of correct and incorrect responses.

Listed below is the formula of the same:

NEET Score = [(Number of correct responses * 4) – (Number of incorrect responses * 1)]

One must be well-aware of the marking scheme of the NEET exams which is as briefed below:

Type of response Marks
Correct response 4 marks awarded
Incorrect response 1 mark deducted
Question left unanswered 0 mark

NEET Rank Predictor – Benefits

  • Candidates with an idea of approximate ranking can get an insight into performance, basis of the level of difficulty of the exam, number of candidates appearing, cut-off, etc
  • One can be aware of their NEET ranking much before the official NEET result is declared
  • With this tentative rank, students can get a rough idea of the list of colleges where they can seek admissions
  • Can get an idea of the level of competition
  • Become aware of the cut-off trends over the years

NEET Qualifying Marks 2023

Candidates must have obtained the required aggregate marks in the qualifying examinations:

General category – 50th percentile

SC/ST/OBC category – 40th percentile

Physically handicapped: General category – 45th percentile

Physically handicapped: SC/ST/OBC category – 40th percentile

Disclaimer: Kindly note, the score you obtain here is just a prediction. Refrain from coming up with a final rank. Request you to kindly wait for the official declaration of results, as results are subject to vary depending on various parameters.

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